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"If you wanna break up just say that Fatima, Ian gon force nobody to do nothing they don't wanna do. Imma figure it out like I always do." Zac spoke with a frown on his face as he sat up against the headboard. Fatima looked at him through her dresser mirror, ignoring his rant.

Removing her eyes from looking at him through the mirror, she tapped her phone, and a collage of Junior and their ultrasound in the background appeared. "It's eight in the morning Zac...eight! Ian even had nothing on my stomach and you're talking about nonsense." She continued placing her jewelry on as Zac mugged her from the distance.

This symptomatic pregnancy has been doing a number on him recently, the clingy-ness between Zac and Junior has intensified leaving a worn out Fatima, between working and dealing with them two, she can't wait for football season and school to start back up so she can get some peace.

"I'm just saying mama, you do the same stuff every day five days a week. Wake up and leave me here stranded to die, that's how you feel about me? Am I not worth living for? This is how you want people to remember me bye?" He asked dramatically, getting out of the bed to approach her vanity.

She felt his movements getting closer as she finished everything up turning to look at him with, he wore a sad face. "You doing all of this because I gotta go to work? That's cute." She tapped his arm a few times before walking to their closet to grab her heels.

Zac brought her movements to a halt, he grabbed her hands wrapping them around his body before pulling her into a hug, "What I gotta do for you to stay? I'll pay for your hair, I know you been talking about them pregnancy braids or whatever. Or I'll pay for them dick grippers you call hands, any style and any length. We can even go house shopping or something. I'll even eat ya pussy til your legs shake..." He begged hoping she would call out again this week for him.

She shook her head no against his chest, "Babe I have already called out like 5 times in two weeks using my pregnancy as an excuse, I can't keep doing that. And the days I am going into work, you blow my phone up and cussing out my assistant when you can't reach me."

"Well Devin needs to shut fuck up and mind his business." He shrugged pulling back from the hug. "He all in my shit and he need to worry about serving you coffees or whatever it is that you drink. Talking about you in a meeting and not available, I didn't ask for a rundown of where you were, I said put her on the phone." She smiled watching him rant about how he didn't like Devin and she need to hire a female assistant or something, he quotes as 'I'm a man Fatima, I know how we are wired.' She would've been annoyed with Zac and his antics but he has already expressed major concerns and worries about her being a DA and being pregnant, he has watched too much TV about people taking revenge or retaliating so when he can't reach her at any point in time, he thinks the worst.

"You need to stop cussing him out before he file a complaint for hostile work environment with the HR department." She spoke playing with the band of his boxer briefs, "How about I get off somewhat early so we can finish Junior's school shopping and finish looking at these houses?" She asked looking at him with a convincing smile.

"No cause all he gonna do is take you for himself, can't even get no alone time with you. I'm finna ship his ass off to boot camp or something." He spoke seriously, Junior was currently at his final baseball practice of the season with his grandparents so that they both can sleep in. He starts Kindergarten in 3 days and Fatima and Zac are behind on everything due to their hectic work schedules. Zac season starts next week as well so they have been talking about how this can work- both parents being out of the house throughout the day and how Junior and their own relationship fits into it.

"Babe you need to learn how to share me, you act like I don't wake up and go to sleep with you anyways." She spoke causing him to mug her again. "You know what? That's fine cause when princess get here, it's gonna me and her against the world. Ain't that right chocolate drop?" He spoke putting his hand on her belly before he got distracted looking at them melons sitting pretty on her chest.

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