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| Fatima Hotel Room, 11AM |

"You gotta chill Zacccc." Fatima chuckled throwing a pillow at Zac who dunked and it smacked the curtain causing an echo effect to ripple through the room.

"See." He turned around. "Now had something broke, you would've been paying for it." He picked up the pillow placing it on the bed.

"Well you need to stop." She giggled running around the table. "You see I'm tryna look over these files and you wanna play around." She grabbed her water before she sat down.

"I don't know why you doing allat when we finna leave in like 20 mins anyways." He huffed outta breath walking over to her. They just had a mini pillow fight because Zac wasn't getting no attention and he was bored.

"I know but my brain is thinking right now and I don't wanna lose the spark." She was currently going over the case Eric, her former boss, gave her about the two suspects, both of them hitting certain places in Atlanta Georgia but police and investigators still can't pin them down.

"Ayeee!" Zac yelled noticing the photos as he was walking up to Fatima. "Why you doing all that yelling in my ear?"

"I know those two names." He pointed to a partial redacted paper. "These?" She pointed to the names for confirmation.

"Yeah." He nodded. "Those the two idiots that did all that damage to the mom and shop place a few weeks back. When I was able to grab the surveillance, the police stated it was too blurry to identify it so they couldn't pursue it."

She began thinking. "Send me the video and I will have somebody I know work out the pixels so we can put a face to these names." She uttered nonchalantly, although she took a 3 year hiatus, she had plenty of experience prior hand and she made plenty of connections as well.

"Damn that was sexy." He smirked, watching his girlfriend in career mode was something different. Confident, sassy, and direct as she was in her element with the case. He was really happy knowing she was able to get back to something she loved. He couldn't imagine not playing football.

"You gotta chill." She laughed as she saw his print through his shorts. "But once I solve this case then I will hopefully be a presiding DA in Georgia with the help of my former boss Eric and his recommendations. Which makes it even better because I get to send those assholes to jail."

"What did Usher say? There goes my Babyyyyyy!" He sung off pitch but Fatima wasn't gonna complain, she loved his enthusiasm and support because she is every bit nervous about coming back into her profession.

"You so stupid." She playfully rolled her eyes as she jotted down some notes. When it came to her, she was very old school but new school if that makes sense. She would jot down the notes with a pen and sticky notes but transfer it to her laptop for added protection in case her sticky notes got ruined or anything. And she was an over-analyzer which is how she was able to open and shot these cases for a while.

"Yo phone ringing again." Zac informed her, it happened been ringing all morning. "Ignore it. Probably them Indian people tryna steal my shit, fucking Bell-jeet ass can go to hell" She yelled because he walked into the bedroom.

"Doubt it. It's a 773 area code." Zac held her phone in the air. "Probably one of your side niggas." He mumbled walking back in the room.

"Keep it up." She threatened as she continued writing down notes. "Bring me my damn phone, damn phone police." He walked back with the phone, she answered it, finally getting tired of the constant ringing and buzzing. "Who is this and why you playing on my phone?"

"You are a hard woman to track down...got damn you had me going through the ringer to get to you" The caller spoke sending jolts into Fatima's body, she hasn't heard that voice in years.

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