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* Make sure you check these dates cause they are jumping🤣
* This book is giving 60 chapters and maybe 2-3 bonus chapters depending on how I feel🤣

| Friday, January 19th |

It's been 5 days since the therapy session and things in the Taylor household seem to be going just as you could imagine for the pair. Zac has been sleeping out in the guest bedroom just like they agreed on while Fatima has been contemplating if she made the right choice. 

She has been dwelling on her feelings since it happened and she still doesn't know. Part of her feels like it was a mistake because to Zac's point, they were in a great spot and now they aren't. But the other part wonders if this is what she needs to grow independently. 

As for Zac, he has been spending a lot of time at the facility due to him re-aggravating the injury he sustained last season,[ it Tuesday morning during practice so he has been forced to go in earlier and stay later for physical therapy treatment on it. Not only that but the added pressure with a game this Sunday against the Lions at home. 

With Zac spending time away from the house, Fatima feels like this is some sort of punishment since their communication hasn't been all that great. She barely sees him as is but at least they shared the bed together and she would get stupid texts throughout the day from him, but now it's only about Junior. She heard him coming in late last night, almost 1 AM, late on a Thursday which really had her feeling some kind of way. She asked Danni this morning what time practice was over at, Danni stated 8 PM, a little later than usual but only because they were inside with the lights due to the murky outside weather on the field. So what was he doing from 8 PM - 1 AM? Hmmmm...

"You ready Junior?" She asked as she made her way into the pantry. She was dropping him off at Pre-K before she ran to the grocery store. Although Zac and Fatima haven't been talking, she still maintains the cooking and cleaning of the house hold and in her spare time, and she continues looks over the case Eric gave her. She still has yet to open the case Madam gave her, not sure if she can mentally stomach the idea of her mother actually being gone. It's one thing to hear it but it's another to see the evidence back up the claim. 

"Coming mommy." Junior yelled with half his jacket on and one shoe on. Fatima couldn't even be mad, he been doing this for weeks now. He grabbed his snacks while Fatima fixed him up before they headed outside. Short while later they pulled up to the school, signing him in, and doing all that stuff that y'all parents do. 

Ion got kids so ion know but yeah🤣

"Bye handsome. Have a good day please." She hugged him outside of the classroom. "Wuve you." He kissed her cheek before running inside the classroom and sitting next to his best friend. 

She stood up shocked that she didn't even get to respond before she turned her attention to his teacher. "His grandparents will be picking him up, they should already be on the list but just wanna give you the heads up." 

"Understood." They exchanged goodbyes before the teacher closed the door and Fatima headed off to Walmart. 

She grabbed a shopping cart and pulled out her long CVS receipt of her grocery list, this was essential because she always forgot something or went way over the intended budget and she didn't have time for that. Plus she had to put all the groceries away so she damn sure wasn't gonna deal with. 

"Hmmm." She looked between the two cans. "What the fuck is the difference between evaporated milk and condensed milk?" 

Okay but seriously what's the difference👀

She just put both cans in the cart and she would figure it out later. "I love your purse." A lady stated as Fatima walked out of the aisle, Fatima wasn't sure if she was talking to her or not and she didn't wanna make that embarrassing mistake so she looked around before noticing it was just them. 

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