Loose Cannon

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Throughout the day in every class Beck and I had together I made an honest attempt to get him to look at me. I even tried to text him a couple more times but not a single bat of the eye was given. I didn't want to admit defeat but I honestly was giving up on this whole thing. I just had to relish in the fact that I lost a friend who I was really getting to know.

During lunch the four of us were chatting and thinking of places to eat for dinner before prom. It was crazy to acknowledge that the dance was literally this coming Saturday. I was a little stressed out considering the decor that we still had to put together yet. But the stress was going to be worth it because I'll be with my favorite people all night.

Fast forward a couple hours later and it was finally the end of the school day, which meant decorating committee. Layla and I were walking to the gym with our backpacks and the only thought that was running through my mind was this better not be awkward.

We walked in and headed to our usual area near the bleachers. As we were walking I looked around and saw Josh shooting hoops like he always does with Noah. And unfortunately when I glanced at the other end of the gymnasium I saw Sadie, Ava, and Chloe laughing and gawking at their phones.

"Hey don't worry about her. Remember that Josh chose you," Layla stated, setting down her backpack.

I sighed, "I know Lay. But I can't help to think that she's up to something."

"She is the daughter of Satan so I wouldn't put it past her."

"If that isn't the truth," I chuckled. "I suppose we better start building this balloon archway."

I grabbed the bags of balloons that were sitting in the balloon archway kit that we bought earlier last week. Layla reached in the box and grabbed the balloon pump, and everything else that was in the kit. Using the pump I began blowing up some silver and blue balloons while Layla put the stand together.

"Hey, where's Beck?" she questioned, looking around the room.

I shrugged, "I don't know. He should be here soon."

"Do you know why he seems so off today?" she interrogated.

"No not really," I set some blown balloons on the floor, "I thought we already went through this conversation earlier."

She sighed, "I know, but I just thought that you would be the one to know."

I furrowed my eyebrows annoyed and wondered if she already knew what was going on without me even explaining it.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I muttered.

"Nothing Tar. You two have gotten to be good friends lately so I thought you would know out of all of us."

I sighed, "Well I don't."

I peered up for a quick minute and saw Josh smiling at me bouncing a ball. I waved at him as he waved back throwing the ball towards Noah. Josh really is fun to look at and drool over, which I understand sounds quite corny but it was the truth. I really liked him.

The sound of one of the doors opening echoed through the room, but I didn't bother checking to see who it was. It could have been Beck or it could have been some random teenager, but I kept working on my balloons instead of looking.

"Oh hey Beck," Layla greeted.

"Hey," he sighed.

Layla peered at me confused and just like before I just shrugged my shoulders and went on with my business. She gave him the run down of what we were doing and told him to help her with the stand and attaching the balloons to it.

I was in the zone and blocked out everything else around me, including people. I wanted to finish my task and help construct the best looking prom archway possible. At least the best one that high schoolers were able to do.

"I'm going to fill these weights with water, I'll be right back," Layla said.

"Okay," I nodded. I glanced at Beck and really wanted to try to say something to fix the situation but I didn't know what.

"May I help you?" he asked annoyed.

I furrowed my eyebrows, "Oh sorry, I didn't know I couldn't glance at you either. I'll put that on the list of things to not do around you."

He crossed his arms and questioned, "What do you mean?"

"After I told you about Josh and I kissing, which you poked out of me, you clearly were upset."

"I'm glad you figured that out," he faked smiled.

Why was he being so mean today?

"Can we just talk about it?" I asked.

"There's nothing to talk about Terror."

I set more balloons on the floor, "Then why haven't you talked to me all day. I've been trying to see what's going on with you, but you can't even reply back to a simple 'hey'."

"Well maybe I'm complicated under this stone cold exterior," he stated, attaching more balloons to the stand.

He wasn't wrong about that because he was every bit complicated and I hated it so much.

Layla strolled back in carrying two weights filled with water and placed them on each end of the archway stand. I smiled at the progress but it soon faltered as I saw Sadie approach us.

"Hi losers," she sang.

"What do you want Sadie?" Layla huffed.

"Oh nothing really, I just wanted to congratulate Tara on being asked to prom," she smiled.

I crossed my arms, "Really? You do know that Josh was the one who asked me, right?"

She flipped her hair, "Of course I do. And as sad as it is that he decided to choose a loser with uncool style then that's on him."

"What's your deal Sadie?" Layla clucked.

"Oh I have no deal Layla. I just wanted to see how you guys were coming along with the decorations and applaud you for your efforts."

I raised an eyebrow confused, "Um okay thanks."

"But you should know that Josh is mine and will never be yours. Do you understand that?" she sassed.

I uttered, "No I don't because Josh is his own being and would never choose you."

She giggled manically," Oh you're so naive Tara. I'm going to go over there and show him what he missed out on. And I know that none of you will stop me. Buh-bye."

As Sadie sashayed away I leered at Layla with my eyes widened and my jaw dropped to the floor. The attitude and nerve on that demon was gigantic and there was no way of lowering her down a notch.

"I'm sure she's just bluffing Tar, just don't even think about it," Layla consoled.

I nodded my head and watched her and Beck continue attaching balloons but deep down I recognized something evil. My subconscious told me to look up and I'm glad that I did. I saw Sadie stroll over to Noah and Josh, who both seemed off-put.

She was talking to Josh about who knows what while Noah just kept dribbling the ball near the the hoop. At one point I saw her touch his face and I felt a lump form in my throat. I was praying that she wasn't going to do what I thought she was. But of course like always I'm wrong.

She wrapped her arms around his neck and leaned in to kiss him. My heart dropped down to my feet and I was hoping Josh would pull away. No. He stood there and it appeared like he was kissing her back. I really hoped that I was seeing things but I wasn't and all I wanted to do was crawl in a hole and never come out. Tears started forming in my eyes and after the shock kicked in I glanced back at Layla and Beck who had looks of surprise as well. I decided to run out of the gym and ignore whoever was yelling my name.


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