Mean Girl Alert

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"What? What do you mean 'what'?" Layla retorted with her hands on her hips.

"Okay sorry I panicked. But if it makes you feel any better technically I have a figurative date," I explained.

"I know, I overheard. It's fine, lets just get out of here scaredy cat," she quipped.

I rolled my eyes and nudged her arm. In return she lightly punched my shoulder and then put her arm around both shoulders. We headed to the entrance/exit door walking arm in arm like an overly enthused couple chuckling. We separated as I opened the door, walking into the hallway.

Spring Ridge High School wasn't the biggest school in Utah but it sure was a decent size. There was at least two levels to this concrete structure. I didn't know everyone in this school, but I was honestly not worried about it. I just wanted to get good grades and get into a great college either in or out of the state. I had no idea what I was going to go to school for but I was hoping I would figure that out soon.

Layla and I continued to walk down the hall, passing classrooms and lockers. We finally reached our lockers which were decently close to each other. I put my combination in and opened up the door grabbing my zip-up hoodie.

Considering school was over for the day there wasn't many students in the halls. Luckily we had our prom meetings once that final bell rang which was quite nice. We didn't have to worry about having a bunch of kids run us over to get to the buses or their cars. Layla and I had study hall for eighth period so we usually left a few minutes early to get to the gym before the riot. I was happy our study hall teacher was cool with that.

I closed my locker door and walked a few feet to Layla's locker.

"So did you grab all your stuff?" I asked gripping my backpack straps.

"Yes," she replied grabbing her jacket and shutting her locker.

"Cool let's go."

But before we could even take a step we got stopped by none other than Sadie Witherton. She was a top notch rich preppy girl. She always wears a golf sweater or vest with a slightly off color matching skirt. Then to go with it was either brown or black Mary Janes, and white socks. She almost always had some kind of jewelry on. Her long brown hair was consistently curled, and her hazel eyes trapped your soul. She annoyed me, and got to me all the dang time.

"Hey ladies, I just wanted to let you know that you're in charge of decorations for the dance," she cheekily grinned.

"Whoa, that's a big job to do for just the two of us," Layla complained.

"Well then you better get started wannabes," she sneered.

"Well how is that fair?" I questioned.

She took a step closer, batting her eyelashes, "You see since my daddy owns a big business I can do whatever I want."

"Sadie, that's not how that works. That is literally irrelevant and you know it. Besides you can't just boss us around like your clones," Layla argued.

Randomly, just like that, her two "best friend wannabe clones" Ava and Chloe popped out of nowhere and stood on either side of her. Honestly I didn't pay much attention to them though, they just didn't matter to me.

"Yes I can. Did you honestly forget who Mrs. Greene left in charge of the committee?"

"Unfortunately I was there but wasn't really paying attention. Oops my bad," I smirked batting my eyelashes.

"Whatever," she voiced glaring at me.

Hehehehe one point ME, zero points SATAN'S DAUGHTER.

"Watch it Collins, or else," she crossed her arms.

"Or else what?" I mimicked crossing my arms.

"I will make both of you do everything for this dance, and I will take all of the credit," she retorted raising an eyebrow all cocky.

"Why am I not surprised? That's the same tactic that you use to get an innocent person to do your homework," I scoffed.

Bahahaha two points ME, zero points SATAN'S DAUGHTER. I'm on a roll.

She gave me a nasty look that could definitely kill. I swear literal laser beams were going to shoot out of her eyeballs. It was slightly intimidating and I wanted to just slowly back away. The way that she can get under my skin is quite unnerving, and I didn't like it. Not to mention the fact that I don't like being mean, I very much so dislike it. I am a completely nice, sensible person who tries to strive for better. Well that is mostly true, except when it comes to Josh. In that case I am a nice, has no senses, and doesn't strive at all person. Damn, the hold that boy has on me, I'm getting off topic.

"Just do the decorations for the dance," Sadie said gritting her teeth.

"Okay fine, but what are you in charge of then?" Layla asked.

"The food and the music, it's easy work."

"Of course," Layla mumbled under her breath.

"Well bye ladies," she grinned flipping her hair towards our faces before walking off with her clones.

Layla turned towards me rubbing her temples, "That was just exhausting."

"For real. I can feel the headache coming on," I giggled.

"Now we can actually go," she laughed. We started walking through the hallways talking about anything and everything.

"So these next few weeks aren't going to be easy, are they?" I asked.

"No definitely not," she replied opening the front door and walking outside as I followed behind.

"We just have to figure out all the decorations and deal with Sadie, simple, right," I quipped.

"Exactly, a piece of cake," she giggled, "but you're forgetting one more task on that agenda."

"What's that?"

"Asking Joshua Spring, your only guy friend, out," she explained hitting my shoulder.

Man, as much as I loved having Layla as a best friend, I didn't like how violent she was.

"Oh right, yeah that. Maybe, eventually, sometime , one day," I nonchalantly said walking down the steps with Layla beside me.

"I'm holding you to that Tar."

"I'm sure you will Lay," I chuckled walking backwards trying to still face her.

"Text ya tonight and I'll see you tomorrow."

"Alright see ya," I waved still walking backwards into the parking lot. But before I could get too far some guy on a skateboard almost knocked me over. I was quick enough to jump out of the way, but fell on the ground. The guy on the board just kept skating and didn't even say a word or apologize.

I got up brushing myself off and yelled, "WATCH IT!"

I took a glance off into the distance and knew exactly who it was. It was none other than Beck Johnson.

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