Dinner With the Johnson's

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Walking into the kitchen I noticed how cozy and quaint it was. There was blue wallpaper with white flowers on the walls that met a dark wood floor. There was a nice 'L' shaped counter with cupboards above it. A small island was a couple feet away from the counters and a circular kitchen table was against the wall in front of two windows.

Their kitchen was kind of like ours were it went into a living room on the other half of the room. A black couch was facing a television with a coffee table in front of it. A small reclining armchair was next to the couch and pictures were lined along all of the walls.

"Hey, thanks for agreeing to stay. I know my mother is happy about it," Beck softly voiced, grabbing two plates out of a cupboard and handing me one.

"You're welcome. She seems so nice so it was hard to say no," I grinned.

"I hope this isn't going to be awkward, considering you know," he looked at the food on the island, "everything."

I sighed and grabbed a taco shell, "I don't think so. As long as nothing crazy happens we should be fine."

"Well then you better control yourself," he nudged my arm and winked at me.

I rolled my eyes, "Watch it Brat."

We piled the rest of the food into our taco shells and I followed Beck to the kitchen table. I decided to sit next to him while his mother and sister sat across from us on the other side of the table. I really didn't know how to start the conversation so I was grateful when his mother began speaking.

"So how's the project going out there?" she asked, biting into her taco.

"It's going well Mrs. Johnson. We actually just finished before you offered for me to stay for dinner," I responded.

"Oh, well that's nice. Tara, you can call me Dana, by the way," she grinned.

I smiled, "Noted."

I know I barely knew her but Dana seemed like such a wholesome sweet person. She had medium length blonde hair with pretty blue eyes to match. Now I knew where Beck's sister got it from, she could literally be Dana's mini twin.

"You're name's Tara? That's such a cool name, it's better than mine," his sister gawked and then sulked.

I questioned, realizing that Beck never told me hers, "Why? What's your name?"

"Mia," she sighed.

I peered at her wide eyed and beamed, "No way, that's such an awesome name. It sounds like a princess' name."

"Wait really. That's really cool actually," she chirped.

I looked between Beck and his mom and they both had small smiles on their faces. I was glad to make Mia's day and help her not feel so self conscious. She was such a sweet little girl after all and I didn't want her to feel pain and be upset by the small things at a young age already.

"So," I quizzed taking a sip of my milk, "does that make you feel better about your name?"

She nodded, chewing on her food, "It does."

Throughout the rest of dinner Dana asked me general questions about myself and my family. I told her what my parents did and that I'm an only child. At one point she asked what my plans were after high school and I told her that I wanted to go to college but I didn't know what for yet. Beck looked at me shocked with my answer, which didn't surprise me at all. I couldn't read his mind but I'm pretty sure he thought I had everything figured out already with my life. Obviously there was no way in hell that was true.

"That was a delicious dinner Dana," I professed, setting down my empty glass on the table.

She smiled, "Why thank you dear."

"Well," Beck stood up, "I got the dishes."

"Thanks honey."

"Do you need any assistance?" I asked, watching him stack all of our dirty dishes in his arm.

He responded with a cheeky grin, "No I got it. Washing the dishes is a one person job."

"Okay," I rolled my eyes, "I was just trying to be nice."

I watched him stroll over to the sink and turn the faucet on. I must have not been paying much attention because when I focused back on the kitchen table Mia wasn't there.

"Don't mind my son he's always trying to do things on his own," Dana stated.

"Oh I would have never guessed," I quipped.

She added, "Don't get me wrong he is a helpful young man though."

I laughed internally at her comment because of how ironic it was. He didn't want to help me at all when I first actually had to hangout and talk with him.

"I'm sure that takes a load off for you considering," I trailed off attempting to not put a damper in the mood.

She nodded, "I didn't realize that Beck told you about his father's death."

I fretted, "Uh yeah. I'm sorry if I brought it up."

"It's alright Tara. I'm glad that he did tell someone about it. Besides our extended family he hasn't really told anyone else that I know of."

I peered over at Beck who was still washing dishes and a small grin spread across my face. The fact that he told me made me feel like he trusted me and was opening up to me.

"Do you know if he's thought about college?" I questioned, facing my attention back towards Dana.

She sighed, "Well I want him too and I know that he wants to as well, but he keeps saying that he wants to stay here to help me. I've told him numerous times that I appreciate his help but I'm okay doing it myself. I just wish he would be a kid again, and let me be the parent."

I furrowed my eyebrows, "I understand what you're saying. Maybe one day he'll let go of his pride and have fun."

"Well now that you're here maybe you can assist with that," she smiled.

"Let's watch a movie Beck," Mia proclaimed, getting my attention.

He dried off his hands and walked over to her, "Okay. The usual?"


"Do you want to join us?" he asked, looking at me.

"Sure," I replied.

His mother and I smiled at each other as we both left the kitchen table and went our separate ways. Stepping into the living room I noticed Mia was already sitting down on the left side of the couch. Beck was right next to her pushing buttons on the television remote. I wasn't trying to make things awkward so I decided to sit in the armchair.

Beck teased, "Terror come sit over here I'm not going to bite you."

I rolled my eyes, "I don't want to crowd your personal space."

"I can give you plenty of space, just come here," he winked, patting the spot next to him.

I sighed, "Fine Brat, but space means space."

I sat down next to him with a respectable distance between us. I curled my knees up to my chest and leaned on the arm of the couch.

"You two are funny," Mia giggled.

I giggled, "So what movie are we watching?"

"Disney's Elemental. It's currently Mia's favorite movie right now."

"Oh, I haven't seen that yet."

He leaned in and whispered, "Be aware that it might make you cry."

"Did you?" I quizzed, nudging him away.

"Maybe a little," he smiled.

As the movie began playing I adored how wholesome and cute it was. The three of us would laugh at the funny moments and groan at the sad ones. Somehow around halfway I found myself sitting slightly closer to Beck with my knees still to my chest. My hands were resting in my lap and I could feel the exhaustion wash over me like a wave. My eyes were getting heavy and I told myself that I needed to stay awake to drive myself home.

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