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First hour went by so slow I could have almost pulled a Beck and fell asleep on my desk. Unfortunately, all I could think about was when I was going to inform Josh about Sadie and prom.

Thankfully second period, World History, came around and it wasn't as bad. Josh was in my class and we don't sit that far from each other on the tables. If there was any time like the present that would have been the perfect time to do it. Except to my luck there wasn't any decent time at all. It was starting to get me frustrated.

Then third hour art class arrived and I knew there was no chance of me saying anything considering half of his basketball team was in that class. And of course to my dismay they constantly talk to each other when Mrs. Michaels wasn't teaching or speaking.

I knew I had no other option than to come clean during lunch. I mean I doubt today of all days he would randomly not sit with us. Right?

"So are you going to tell him at the table?" Layla asked as we were strolling through the lunch line.

I explained to Layla, in the hallway, when we had that brief period of time between classes about Sadie's threats.

"Well it's not like I have much choice," I answered grabbing an apple.

She rested her hand on my shoulder, "Just remember that I'm going to be there the whole time. I got your back Tar."

I grinned, "I know."

After grabbing the food that we wanted we walked over to our usual table.

"So do you have a game plan?" she questioned sitting down.

I sat down and replied, "No not really. I just have to come right out and say it."

I took a bite of my macaroni and cheese, and sat there staring at my tray chewing my food. Who was I kidding? I knew right well that I was lying.

"Okay," she said giving me a reassuring smile.

Layla and I sat there content eating our food when all of a sudden two hands were resting on my shoulders slightly squeezing them.

"Guess who?" the voice asked.

I was no fool, I was able to recognize that voice from a mile away.

"Hmm, is it Zac Efron? Because if it is I totally adore you," I gushed.

Josh moved his head in my side view and appeared offended.

"No it's not, but damn knowing that information I wish it was," he laughed.

"Why's that?" I sipped my milk.

He sat down with his tray and muttered, "Secret."

I gasped dramatically and peered at him shocked. He can't keep secrets from me, I forbid it.

I playfully slapped his shoulder, and stated, "That's not fair."

"Yeah," Layla said, "you can't just start a conversation and then not finish it."

After processing that response she looked at me with a face of regret. I peered at her and then I glanced over at Josh and he was already looking at me with the same expression as Layla. We all knew that this conversation just became awkward.

Josh leaned into my side, touched my knee, and whispered, "It's okay."

I nodded as some relief came over me.

"So how's basketball going?" I inquired.

"It's going well, but I think we could use another player on the team," he admitted.

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