The Party Store

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It was near the end of the school day and unfortunately it was still raining but not as hard.

"Hey Layla, can you do me a favor and text Beck letting him know that we'll meet each other at the party supplies store?" I asked softly.

"I'm busy," she replied, "sketching my inner most thoughts." I leaned over the wooden table to glance at her notebook that she was doodling away on. I had no idea what she was thinking because I couldn't make-out a single image she was sketching.

I raised an eyebrow, "Really Picasso?"

She chuckled, "Just text him yourself." I rolled my eyes and set down my pencil.

"Wow you know I would but I don't have his number hence why I asked you to," I retorted. I tried to keep my voice low so we wouldn't get into trouble again with Mrs. Davenport.

She looked up at me and grinned, "Well I could give you his number or you could just simply walk over to the other side of the library and tell him yourself."

"Do you want me to do it for you?" Josh asked peering up from his textbook. He must have had an important test tomorrow because he was quiet today considering he was sitting next to me.

"Um thanks Josh for offering, but I got it," I smiled.

He smiled, "Okay T."

Gosh he's so cute.

I got up out of my seat and strolled over to the other side of the room where Beck usually sits. As I was walking towards him I noticed that he had earbuds in bopping his head slightly. He didn't notice my presence as he was jamming out doing his homework. Weirdly enough it was kind of wholesome to watch. I poked his shoulder with my finger a couple times and he finally looked up pulling out his earbuds.

"Hi," he greeted.

"Hey I just wanted to let you know that we're going to meet each other at the store, if that's cool with you," I grinned.

He nodded his head, "Yeah that's fine."

"Okay great. I'll let you get back to your little library concert that you have going on," I smirked. He shook his head and chuckled.

As I was stepping away I turned around and observed a grin on his face while he was waving at me. He's definitely something.

"See that wasn't so hard Tar," Layla teased.

"Yeah yeah, we better get going."

Layla and I both gathered up our materials and began heading to the door. I don't know what has become of me lately but I've been catching myself look back a lot. This time when I did Josh smiled at me showing those perfect teeth and then winked at me. I couldn't help but blush as I faced forward.

We stopped at our lockers to put the materials we don't need away and throw the things we do need in our backpacks. I made sure to grab my jacket and my yellow umbrella. The final school bell rang and a crowd of teenagers came bustling out into the hallways. We had one more stop to make before we could head out to the store.

As Layla and I were strolling towards the front of the building Beck caught up to us and began chatting with us. Not that I was intentionally observing this but lately Beck seemed a little happier. My guess was that it had to do with Layla. She can make anyone happy just by being herself.

I stopped outside the front office motioning my hand at the door so Layla understood what I was doing. Her and Beck were in the middle of a conversation and I didn't want to interrupt them.

I walked inside and waved hello to Ms. Thatcher. She waved back as I knocked on Mrs. Greene's open office door.

"Come in," she beckoned.I stepped inside.

"Hi, do we have a budget for prom decorations?" She opened a drawer in her desk and pulled out a white envelope.

"Yes, this is all the money that I allocated for the decorations. Don't go too crazy," Mrs. Greene grinned while handing me the envelope.

"Thank you ma'am," I nodded. I strolled out of her room and stepped out the front office door to be halted by a five foot four wall of fire.

"Oh hey loser," Sadie waved all innocent like.

I glanced over at Layla and Beck who seemed to still be in conversation not witnessing what was happening.

I rolled my eyes, "Sadie, I don't have time for your games I have things to do."

"Did you get into trouble again? Did you not learn your lesson from the first time?" she smirked while crossing her arms.

Why is Sadie so evil?

"Yeah I did. In case you weren't aware I have to wash the cafeteria tables after lunch for this week," I explained.

She scoffed, "Yeah, you're lucky because I was hoping Mrs. Greene would have given you a harsher punishment."

I crossed my arms and huffed, "Are we done now? I have decorations to pick out."

"Yes," she rested her hand on her hip.

"K bye," I waved annoyed.

"Don't pick out something tacky and stupid," She pointed her finger in my face.

I began stepping over to Layla and Beck and they both seemed concerned. Layla was always concerned about my confrontations with Sadie but Beck hasn't really witnessed them. I didn't want either of them to be worried though.

"Are we all good?" Layla asked.


The three of us strolled out the front doors and saw that it was still raining. I don't think the precipitation was going to come to a stop. Beck boarded down the sidewalk to what I presumed was the elementary school again. Everything inside me was still curious to what that was about.

Layla and I trotted to our vehicles and thankfully I had my umbrella to keep me dry. We both drove out of the parking lot and began our small journey to Celebrations, the party supply store.

Layla must have beaten me there because once I pulled into the parking lot she got out of her little silver Chevy Malibu. I made sure I had the envelope with the cash in my jacket pocket.

"So did you two have a fun little conversation while you were waiting?" I teased as we began walking to the door.

She chuckled, "Yeah I guess. It was your normal conversation. Tara you do know that Beck and I are just friends and I'm only hanging out with him later today because you want me to, right."

I rolled my eyes, "Yeah okay, tell me that after tonight."

I opened the front door as we approached it and we stepped inside. We looked around and then at each other completely amazed.

"Wow," Layla gawked.

"This is going to be fun."

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