Saturday Morning Waffles

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The birds were chirping a sing-songy tune outside, and the smell of chocolate chip waffles filled the house. The sensation of the warm sun covered my face with a slight breeze moving my curtains.

My eyes fluttered open, and I sat up throwing my arms in the air stretching. I threw my covers off and rested my feet on my soft pink fuzzy rug. I reached over to my nightstand to grab my phone unplugging it from its charger. Viewing the date on my phone it was currently Saturday morning, and it was a big day for me.

"Today is the day Tara," I said to myself smiling.

I stood up and walked out of my room.

Trotting down the steps the aroma of chocolate got stronger, and in turn only made me happier.

I got to the bottom of the stairs, and walked through our living room to get to our kitchen.

And there I saw the woman I love, my mother, cooking my waffles. Chocolate chip waffles were my absolute favorite meal for breakfast. My mother always knew how to make my morning better. I mean not that today couldn't get any better.

"Good morning mom," I grinned.

"Good morning sweetie," she said setting two waffles on a plate.

"Are those for me?" I asked sitting down on a stool by the kitchen island.

"Yes they are," she answered setting the plate down in front of me.


I got out of my chair, walked over to the refrigerator and found the syrup in the door.

"Well isn't it my two favorite ladies," my dad beamed walking into the kitchen.

I sat back down on my stool and poured some syrup on my waffles.

My father walked over next to my mom, leaned in, and gave her a kiss.

She smiled, "Hi dear."

I may be sixteen years old, but I still find it revolting when my parents kiss, and or show any display of affection. I mean come on, it's obvious that they made me, but I don't need to see how they did it.

"Hey dad," I greeted shoving a forkful of waffle in my mouth.

"Hey Tara-dactyl," my dad grinned rubbing the top of my head.

Yes, that was a lame dad joke you just heard. My father has been calling me that ever since I was seven when I was really into dinosaurs. All I did was watch dinosaur movies, read dinosaur books, and I even slept with a dinosaur pillow-pet. I really thought I was cool back then. So cool that I wanted to be a paleontologist. Except back then I didn't know what that was, and I just called it a dinosaur scientist.

I finished chewing my waffle, shook my head faintly, and smiled to myself.

"So what are your plans today?" my mom asked resting her hands on the island.

I raised an eyebrow, "Mom, I thought I told you the other night. Don't you remember."

She thought for a second, and replied, "Did you?"

"Yeah, we were watching The Big Bang Theory together when I brought it up," I explained trying to jog her memory without actually saying the words.

"Oh yes. I do remember now, how could I forget. Well I hope it goes well," she stated.

My dad sat next to me sipping his coffee, and asked, "You hope what goes well?"

My focus went to the floor as I scratched the back of my head.

As much as I love my dad I really didn't want him to know that I was going to be hanging out with a boy alone. I wholeheartedly knew my father trusted me and all but to be fair I was his only daughter, in fact his only child. I just didn't want him to get defensive about this whole situation.

"Our daughter is going on a date, dear," my mother informed.

I  gawked at her wide-eyed, "Moooom."

"A date?" my dad questioned.

"Yes," she replied.

"Nooo, it's not a date. We're just hanging out at the house," I explained.

"I don't know Tara. Hanging out with a boy can be very dangerous sometimes, trust me. Take it from me who once was a young high school boy himself," my dad quipped.

"Oh my gosh, dad."

"Knockity knock knock. Good morning my second family. What are we talking about?" Layla chirped as she walked to the kitchen.

I waved, "Hey Lay."

This might seem unusual to some people, but Layla welcoming herself into our house was normal for us. She was like my parents second daughter, and they honestly loved her. So of all days I expected her to be here and thankfully she was.

"We were just talking about Tara's date today," my mom confessed.

I rubbed my face annoyed, "It's NOT a date."

"Oh, it's most definitely a date," Layla smiled walking over to my mom.

My dad chuckled, "I'm with Tara on this one. It's not a date because I don't want it to be a date. No date period."

"Oh dad," I giggled patting his shoulder.

"Okay so it may not be a "date," but don't worry Daniel I'll be here if your daughter needs backup."

"Well that makes me feel real better," my dad joked taking a sip of his coffee.

My mother walked over to my dad and began rubbing his back with her hand.

"Don't worry honey I'll be here as well," she said.

"Okay, I guess that does make me feel a little better."

Layla gasped placing her hand on her chest, "Well gee now I feel offended."

My parents and I laughed at her acting skills. She really was comical when need be, or even if it didn't need be.

"Hey together we'll make a great team," my mother grinned walking back over to Layla, "And I'll even prepare us a snack later how about that."

"Well thanks Julia, " Layla beamed sidling next to me, "See this is why I love your mom Tar."

"So who is this young fella?" my dad asked.

"Josh," I revealed.

"Do I know a Josh? Is he in your class?" he asked again.

"Yes, he was over here for Tara's sixteenth birthday party last year," my mother admitted.

He thought for a second, and then his eyes lit up, "Oh yeah, that's right. I liked him, he was a respectful young man."

"May I add cute as well," Layla whispered in my direction.

"Shh," I uttered nudging her side, "but yes."

"Now I feel more comfortable going to the gym this afternoon," my father nodded.

"Thanks dad," I smiled giving him a quick side hug.

He reciprocated, "You're welcome Tara-dactyl."

"Oh mom, I'm unsure, but if he stays for dinner is that okay."

She nodded, "Yes. I mean I'm already making an extra plate for Layla so what's one more."

"Thanks," I grinned.

"Okay Tar, let's go get you looking cute," Layla grabbed my hand as we started walking.

"What's wrong with what I'm wearing now?" I joked looking down at my black and white plaid pajama pants and red over-sized Nike tee.

"Nothing if that's the first impression you're trying to give Josh," she chuckled.

I rolled my eyes and giggled, "Okay fine. Whatever you say."

We both laughed at my remark and hiked up the stairs.

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