Preparing for the Best

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When I entered my house I set my backpack on the floor and took off my shoes waiting for the ambush. As expected, within a few seconds, Layla stormed off the living room couch and sauntered up to me with a ton of questions.

"Glad to see that you found your way home," she retorted.

"Nice to see you too Lay," I muttered, walking into the kitchen.

"Is that Tara," my mother trotted down the stairs, "I hear."

"Yes and I'm sorry that I didn't call or text you last night to keep you in the loop," I sighed sitting at the kitchen island.

"It's okay sweetie. I'm just happy to see that you're home safe and sound," she enveloped me in a side hug.

Layla sat down next to me and questioned, "Or me?"

I rolled my eyes and apologized, "I'm sorry Lay. I didn't know that I was going to end up falling asleep at his place."

"Well you could have at least texted me," she pouted crossing her arms.

"I'm sorry, can you ever forgive me?" I smirked.

"I suppose I can," she giggled. I chuckled along right with her.

"But in other news the chandelier is all finished," I grinned.

"Oh yay. I can't wait to see it. We're going to have to start setting stuff up this week after school."

"I know," I leered. "I just can't believe that prom is literally a week away. That is crazy."

Layla pulled out her phone and looked at me, "We do have a couple hours before its showtime but we should start getting you ready."

"Okay," I grinned. We both hopped off the stools and headed towards the stairs.

"If you girls need me I'll be here in the living room," my mom stated.

"Okay mom."

"Oh," she uttered, "your father should be home soon from the gym so I'm sure he'll have some things to say later."

I chuckled, "Oh I know."

We strolled up the stairs, down the hall, and into my room. I took my phone out of my pocket and set it on my vanity while I sat down in the chair in front of it. Layla bolted straight towards my closet searching for the perfect first date outfit for me.

I loved Layla like a sister but I never quite understood why she just wouldn't let me pick out my own outfits. Personally I had decent taste and after all I'm the one going on the date not her. I just truly hoped she wasn't going to turn my room into an avalanche again.

"So I have to know Tar," Layla interrogated rummaging through my closet, "how did it go at Beck's last night?"

"I think it went fine."

"Just fine?" she questioned.

I nodded, "Well after we finished the moon his mother invited me in for dinner. I got to know her and his little sister a small bit."

"His little sister? As in the child he picks up from the elementary school everyday?" she asked.

I chuckled, "Yes that one. So I told you so, he doesn't have a kid."

"Okay you were right," she quipped.

"But honestly the couple times I've met Mia she seems so sweet and innocent it makes me wonder how her and Beck are even related."

"That's funny," she smiled studying the dress in her hand. "Did you meet his parents?"

"Well, his mother is kind and caring, but uh," I sighed peering down at the floor."

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