The Early Boy Tries to Help

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Josh most definitely thinks that I am a total joke. First off I try to hide from him behind my hand and then I hit my head on the table. And then of course to top it off I wholeheartedly just ignore his question and walk out with Layla.

"I'm a mess Lay," I sulk sitting down on the bleachers.

She wraps her arm around my shoulder, "Aw no you're not, but what was that? At lunch you were full hit, line, and sinker to tell Josh. Then study hall comes along and you hit your head, lie to him, and then sneak out."

"I know. I wanted to but at the same time I didn't. Do you know what I mean? How am I suppose to make him ask Sadie when I'm the one who really wants to go to Prom with him?" I whine.


The final bell rang and school was out for the day. In a few minutes Josh was going to be in here shooting hoops, and I had a feeling that he was going to try to poke it out of me.

"Tara, it will be okay. We will figure this out I promise."

"Good," I smiled grabbing a notebook and a pencil out of my backpack, "now we just have to wait for Beck to arrive."

"Well it looks like that won't be very long."

I peered over at her confused, "Why's that? Is he already here?"

"Yeah," she nodded her head pointing at the gym door.

I watched him stroll over to us, and was completely baffled. He had his backpack slung on his shoulder and was holding his skateboard by his side. Beck definitely had that certain aesthetic of a skater boy. He wore black converse, baggy jeans with holes, and an over-sized graphic tee. His style wasn't utterly awful but I don't think I could ever get past his attitude towards life or school. I wasn't certain if he was going to actually help us out but it was beyond doubt that he wasn't my type.

"Uh hello?" he greeted confused at my face.

I realized my facial expressions were still in shock and I shook my head.

"Sorry, I just wasn't expecting you to be early, that's all," I explained.

"Yeah don't get use to it. It's most likely a one time thing, I didn't know until like an hour ago," Beck clarified setting his stuff against the bleachers.

"Oh, okay. You can take a seat if you want."

He looked back and forth between me and the bleachers. He just decided to stand there with his hands in his pockets. What is up with him?

"Well I guess let's get started," Layla said breaking the awkwardness.

I gazed at her and then back at Beck, "Right. So just to keep you up to speed the theme of the dance is a night under the stars."

"So cliche," he rolled his eyes.

"Well it wasn't my idea so don't have an attitude with me," I retorted.

"Okay fine. Sorry," he muttered.

"So anyways I was thinking we should do blue and silver for the color scheme. Your opinions?" I stated writing it down in my notebook.

"I like it," Layla grinned.

"Cool, how about you?" I asked eyeing Beck.

He crossed his arms, "It doesn't bother me, I guess."

"Thank you for agreeing, I guess," I responded.

"Should we do balloons near the walls?" Layla wondered.

I wrote her idea down, "That's a great idea Lay. We could also cover the walk-through arch with balloons and silver and blue tulle.  Now I was thinking we could do some kind of chandelier. Do you have any suggestions?"

I looked at Beck and he didn't say anything. Honestly it didn't even seem like he was even thinking. I'm trying to give him the benefit of the doubt since he was mature enough to be here. I turned my attention towards Layla and she looked as if she was about to say something.

"How about those hanging streamer foil star things? You know the ones that have a swirling line attached to them," she defined.

"I think I do yeah."

Beck snickered, "Are you serious?"

"What?" Layla asked.

"Those things are corny as hell, and the epitome of any school event," he clarified shaking his head.

"Well what do you think we should do then?" I questioned annoyed.

He put his hands back in pockets, and grinned, "How about a big wooden moon that we paint and attach lights on or something?"

I peered back over at Layla and she shrugged her shoulders considering it. It really was a good plan, which made me kind of happy. He really was trying to make an effort, and I was glad. A little scared but glad.

"It's honestly not bad," I uttered looking at him.

My eyes gazed past his and they came upon Joshua shooting hoops. That man really enjoyed playing basketball, I swear almost every time I was in the gym he was shooting. He was dedicated and I liked that about him.

"So when do you think we should start building it?"

I might seem like a full on stalker, but I promise you that I wasn't. It was fun watching him be in his element.


The icing on the cake was the fact that he was a good looking guy. Only if I could get over my fear and ask him out. Unfortunately it didn't help that I couldn't ask him to prom, I had to beg him to ask Sadie.

"Hey, Terror?!" Beck gawked.

His voice and dumb nickname for me brought me back to reality. I wish he would understand how to say my name.

"It's Tara, Brat," I sneered at him.

Layla studied my face, "Let me guess, you were watching Josh again, weren't you?"

"Uhh... maybe," I answered shyly looking down.

"And yet you yell at me for not helping," Beck rolled his eyes annoyed.

"I'm sorry that I get distracted by certain things," I muttered.

"Whatever, do you like him?" he bluntly asked.


"Beck, let me tell you, she's in Josh-land all the time, so welcome to my world. Just be glad it's only your first time experiencing it," Layla jabbered standing up.

"Layla, that's not fair," I mumbled.

"I will never understand girls," Beck quipped.

I stood up standing between the two crossing my arms, "What's that suppose to mean?"

He rolled his eyes and took a step towards me, "Terror, it's simple."

"Tara," I corrected.

"Whatever. Just go over there and talk to him."

I rolled my eyes, "Easy for you to say, you're a guy."

He rubbed his forehead and sighed, "Oh my gosh, do I have to do everything for you? Go over there and ask him what he's doing this weekend. He will most likely say nothing and then just invite him over to your house. I don't even know why I'm helping you, because this wasn't a part of the deal."

"Right, because that's going to work," I crossed my arms.

I didn't understand why he was giving me advice, I never wanted his help in this aspect. He's being a little too nice today, and I didn't appreciate it.

"Just do this so I can get back to helping you with this stupid dance," he huffed.


He quickly grabbed my wrist, and started pulling me towards Josh. This felt like deja vu. Why is everyone so aggressive with me?

After a couple quick paces he halted and pushed me towards Josh.

"Hey Josh," Beck said loudly pointing at me.

Josh turned around looking at me as I glanced back at Beck with pure anger on my face.


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