Questioning the Deals

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Later that day it was lunch time and Layla and I were sitting at our usual table. She decided to bring up the conversation that I had with Sadie again.

"I still can't believe that you actually decided to agree with Sadie," Layla said baffled.

"I know, me either. It is quite a sad day Lay," I stated.

She chuckled, "You actually made a deal with the devil, you know that right."

"Yes I do, and you don't have to keep reminding me."

I took a sip of my white milk and pondered my inner thoughts. I didn't know what I was suppose to do. I wasn't even sure if this task was going to be easy.

"So how am I suppose to accomplish this mission?" I asked Layla.

"You know that is a good question, because I do not know either."

"How do I tell Josh that he needs to ask Sadie to the prom?" I questioned rubbing my temples.

She answered, "Maybe use a sneaky maniacal strategy."

"You know that I'm not evil like that," I giggled.

"Oh I know Tar. Sadie has you beat with that trait by a landslide. I still can't believe that her way of making you do this is with petty blackmail," Layla stated.

"I really could have said no, but I don't want to seem like an awful person to adults who are superior," I explained.

"Don't worry, I understand."

I am glad that she did, because sometimes I didn't even comprehend my own situations. My brain is wired differently depending on who I'm around. For instance with Layla I'm funny and talkative, but with Josh I'm shy and questioning everything. And don't even get me started on Sadie, because my brain is flashing a neon sign that says 'attack'. Sometimes I just wanted to be the same all the way around.

"How do I ask, Joshua Spring, the guy whom I have the biggest crush on, to take stupid Sadie Witherton to our junior prom? Layla help me," I pleaded.

She replied, "You could always try being direct with him. Granted that might not be the best idea for you considering you can't even tell the guy how you feel."

"Hey, shut up," I gasped hitting her arm with the back of my hand.

"Ow, you're so mean," she teased pouting.

"I am not, you started it," I giggled playing along.

She shook her head, "Seriously Tara you need to either ask him to ask Sadie out or finally ask him out yourself. He's not getting any cuter here."

"You take that back, because he is getting cuter everyday. You don't even know how much Josh makes my heart swoon."

"Hey my peeps," Josh grinned sitting down next to me.

Really?! It was as if the universe made him appear here on purpose. Gosh I hope he didn't hear the last half of the conversation.

"Hey Josh. Um by chance how long were you standing there?" I asked.

"Oh not long, only a couple seconds. Why? Were you talking about me?" he smirked.

I glanced over at Layla wide-eyed and I could tell she was enjoying this. Then out of nowhere she starts giggling and I knew I was screwed.

"N-no we weren't," I stammered lying.

"Don't worry I'm just joking little T, I didn't really hear anything," he reassured leaning towards me while resting his hand on my knee.

Ahh. I can't decide if I want to float on a fluffy cloud or melt into a puddle. Josh constantly makes my heart pitter-patter.

I felt my face redden as I gave him a smile. He removed his hand off my knee and continued to eat his food.

"So what are you doing over here?" Layla asked curiously.

He joked, "What? Is it wrong to want to hang with my favorite eleventh grade girls?"

"No. As long as you're talking about us and not some invisible girls that we can't see," Layla teased.

"Gosh that would be embarrassing if he wasn't," I chuckled as they both laughed with me.

I tried so hard to seem normal and not as if I'm falling head over heels. I will say though that some days are easier than other days.

"So how did things go with Beck?" Josh asked.

I looked over at Layla and explained, "Well I don't know if you saw, but yesterday I may have argued with him kind of loudly."

"Damn. Remind me to not cross you T," he winked taking a sip of his milk.

"Then today I tried to apologize about yelling at him, and he reluctantly accepted it."

"Well that's good."

"Yeah that was until she had to start nagging on him, and he walked away," Layla interrupted.

"Well knowing you I am sure you will figure out how to co-exist around each other," he said.

"I hope so. But um since you asked me a question can I ask you a question?"


"Are you going to ask anyone to the prom?" I uttered.

"Well are you going to ask anyone?" he asked back.

"Well I mean I would like to, but I honestly don't have the confidence to ask a boy to a dance," I explained.

"Oh you can do it, it's relatively not that hard."

"Easy for you to say," I mumbled tucking a piece of my hair behind my ear.

"What about you Layla?" Josh questioned.

"Well obviously I'm going with my bestie here, if she doesn't have a date. But if she miraculously does then I'm flying solo," she informed him.

"So what about you?" I asked him.

He pondered for a second and then said, "Well there is someone that I want to ask."

"Who?" I asked eagerly.

"That's a secret."

"Oh, well I know of someone that you definitely should ask," I grinned.

The idea was to lightly talk about it, and then at the last minute hit him with the news.

"Hey Terror," a voice said behind me.

Without even deciding to turn around I knew that it was none other than Beck.

"Tara," I corrected turning around.

"Yeah whatever, can we talk for a second?" he asked.


I had no idea what he wanted to talk about, we said everything we wanted to say earlier. He walked me over to the other side of the cafeteria near a vending machine.

"Whats up?" I asked confused.

"I know I'm going to regret saying this but I wanted to apologize for being late. I rather not be in more trouble than what I am. No offense but decorating for the prom is punishment enough," he spewed.

"Okay, well thanks for the apology. Does that mean you're not going to be late again?" I questioned raising an eyebrow.

He stepped closer, "You see that's what I wanted to talk about. I want to make a deal with you. You have to promise to not yell at me anymore, and stop questioning my tardiness. In return I will help as much as I can, and try to get to the meetings as quick as possible. But you will have to accept that I will always be late."

I was shocked by his agreement because he was actually sounding like a mature adult. It was going to kill me inside not knowing why he would always be late but we needed the help.

I stuck out my hand, "Deal."

"Deal," he smiled shaking my hand.

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