The Big Date

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After a delightful fifteen minute drive and light conversation Josh pulled into the Slices parking lot. He turned the engine off and got out of his car as I unbuckled my seat belt. To my surprise he walked over to my side of the car and opened my door for me. He truly is such a gentleman.

I smiled, "Thank you."

He smiled back at me and led the way to the front door of the building. The bell on top of the door rang as we stepped inside scanning for an open table. Thankfully it wasn't super busy and we found our way to a booth near the front windows. We didn't say anything once we sat down on opposite sides because it was quite obvious that we were both nervous.

I looked up at him for a brief moment and I noticed him staring at me. It was as if he wanted to say something, but was finding a way to spit it out. I still saw that little twinkle in his brown eyes that made me curious.

"Pretty," he softly voiced, still staring at me.

"Huh?" I questioned, confused.

He chuckled scratching the back of his head and divulged, "That's what I was attempting to say when I picked you up. You look pretty tonight."

I tucked my hair behind my ear and blushed, "Oh thanks Josh."

"But to be fair you always look pretty," he blushed, clearing his throat.

My heart was palpitating as I glanced at his face that was quite red. There wasn't a mirror between us but I'm sure if there was I probably appeared just like him. He always knew what to say and how to make me fall head over heels. I really hope this date goes well tonight for me.

"Um same to you Josh," I stammered. "I mean not pretty but handsome. But you always look handsome."

He smiled at my compliment as he played with the buttons on his shirt. It was funny because I haven't seen him act this shy before ever. There was something going on with him and man I pray that it's something good.

"Hi, what can I get for you today?" a young adult man asked, holding a pad and a pen in his hand.

"I'll have a slice of pepperoni pizza and a chocolate milkshake," Josh answered.

I grinned at the man, "I'll have the same but make mine vanilla."

"Okay, coming right up," he chirped, walking away behind the counter.

"So are you going to tell me?" I questioned, eyeing Josh.

He cheekily grinned, "Tell you what?"

"Tell me what the surprise is," I groaned, giggling.

"Nope, not yet."

I whined, "Are you serious?"

"Yes, but don't worry T it's coming sooner than you think," he winked.

I smiled down at my lap as I heard the bell on the door ring. I glanced over and saw the last person that I wanted to see tonight, or ever. I rested my hand on the side of my face hoping I wouldn't be noticed. Josh raised an eyebrow at me confused and I blatantly shot my eyes over to the counter. He witnessed what I saw and hid his head behind his hand as well. I heard footsteps coming our way and I prayed to sweet baby Jesus that it was our waiter.

"Oh hey Josh," Sadie beamed, holding a to-go box in her hand.

He sighed removing his hand from his face, "Hi Sadie."

Unfortunately it wasn't. She better not be the damn surprise or I'm going to throw hands.

"I didn't know that you were going to be here," she giggled.

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