Flirting with Interruptions

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"So why did you do that?" I questioned.

"You mean why did I hug you?" he asked.

"Yes. For as long as I can remember you never hugged me. So what changes now?"

He looked down at the ground scratching the back of his head. A small grin rose on his face.

"T, in all honesty I got caught up in the moment," he smirked.

"Oh I see," I nodded, "so there's no other reason."

He glanced at me showing me that winning smile that makes me quiver.

"As the true gentleman that I am I never wanted to make you feel uncomfortable," he explained reaching for the ball.

"Oh, so you're a gentleman now, huh?" I teased.

He passed me the basketball and chuckled, "Yes, I like to think I am."

"I guess I would have never known," I quipped. I bounced the ball a couple times.

Ladies and gentlemen this is me flirting. You're welcome for clarifying.

"Damn T," he scoffed holding his chest, "just throw a dagger at my heart why don't you."

I laughed while he was totally being over-dramatic. He really knows how to make me giggle, and personally I think that's a good quality to have.

"Sorry," I shrugged.

"Yeah I'm sure," he joked.

I blushed, and inquired, "How do you know that it makes me uncomfortable?"


I rolled my eyes at him, jumped and shot the ball in the net.

Wow. My second basket ever. Yay me!

"The hug, you goof," I replied.

"Oh right," he grinned taking a step toward me, "Well you have this particular expression on your face every time I barely touch you."

"Oh," I blink knowing right well what he means.

He adds, "Plus your face starts turning red and it worries me that I might be injecting some kind of mutant disease into you."

What is he going on about? Does Josh really not know what blushing is?

"What kind of disease do you think you're giving me?" I gap.

"I don't know, my best guess would be cooties," he pondered touching his chin.

I busted out laughing so dang hard. What did he think this was, elementary school?

"Josh last time I checked I'm sixteen and you're seventeen, we're not five."

"Oh I know," he grabs the ball from my hands, "I just wanted to hear you laugh again."

"Oh," I squeaked feeling the warmth rise on my face.

"See there it is again," Josh blurted pointing at my face.

I shake my head and try to think of things that completely turn me off in general. An image of Sadie flipping her hair at me comes to mind. Yep I'm definitely cooled off now.

Then a picture of Beck sternly staring at me comes within my brain. Well that's weird.

"I don't know what you're talking about Josh."

"Oh I think you do," he said making a free throw.

I retorted, "Oh really?"

Josh walked right up to me, mere inches from my face, and smirked. My heart began palpitating irregularly again, as it always does when he is this close in vicinity.

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