out for brunch

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(wp is being stupid so the 'real life,' 'insta,' and 'view comments' and the others are on the side and there usually in the middle. I can't fix it, so I guess it's just gonna look stupid.)

—real life—

The next day was filled with interviews before the premiere. Two hours of interviews in the morning and then Atlas had the rest of the day to get ready for the premiere.

So Atlas woke up at five in the morning to get ready for the interviews that started at six. She changed into her outfit and put on light makeup before walking down to get breakfast.

(Atlas's interview outfit

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(Atlas's interview outfit. Went for a bi fit.)

Zendaya met her downstairs and they walked over to one of the rooms where they were doing interviews. For the next two hours they were doing it together and then Florence joined for three of them.

In total they did ten.

After they did interviews Atlas took Charlie and Walker out to eat. Her brother's place was near the hotel so they first walked to his flat.

They all talked for a half an hour and Atlas stole his car so they could drive around the city to get something to eat. Atlas drove because Charlie didn't know how to drive in the UK.

Which she didn't mind because she loves driving in London. It's better than driving anywhere in the US. People were crazy over seas. The UK people were crazy, but the Americans were something else.

They listened to Renee Rapp on the way to one of her favorite places. She's never taken anyone to her favorite restaurant, not even her family. Atlas came across it one day while she was trying to get away from paparazzi and she fell in love with it.

So after they parked they walked in and order some food. She knew every workers name, she'd always ask them about what they have going on in their lives. They never treated her like a celebrity, she was just a normal person here.

Linda was her waitress for three years straight. She knew Atlas order. Every time she came in she always put it in right away and they'd just talk until it was ready.

Atlas introduced Charlie and Walker to her and she took their order and Linda came back to the table and talked to them for a few minutes.

It was a quiet restaurant. Everyone time she would go, either one person was there or no one was there. It was a small family restaurant and it was a warm environment. Atlas always felt so comfortable with them and they'd talk about random things.

Every time she was in London she would always stop in. If she wasn't hungry, she'd just order a coffee and they'd talk for an hour.

Their food was ready Linda gave it to them and left them alone to eat. She turned on Atlas's favorite music as they ate. After they got done she drove them back to Joe's house and dropped off his car before walking back to the hotel.

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