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Kate fakes a smile as she helps Nolan, Lucy and Jackson set up a table at the neighborhood block party

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Kate fakes a smile as she helps Nolan, Lucy and Jackson set up a table at the neighborhood block party. Since last week, things had been awkward between her and Tim. They did their job but after work, they spent some time apart, making up excuses to be "busy."

"Should we be flattered that Grey chose us to represent the department at the block party?" Kate asks.

"I think you're forgetting four key words: on our day off."

"I'll take that as a vote of confidence." Jackson says dumping out a bag of buttons.

"This is some great swag. Did you get this from Grey?" Nolan picks one of them up.

"I think Officer Above and Beyond bought those himself." Chen jokes

"Hey. I got a guy at Kinko's. Okay?"

They all laugh. Jackson hands a vase filled with flowers to Nolan and Lucy.

"Make yourselves useful and uh, fill these up with water please. I saw a hose on that side yard."

While Lucy and Nolan are gone, Grey walks up.

"Nice pins." He says, lifting one up.

"Thank you, sir."

"This might be our only hope to lure those kids from LAFD."

"All due respect, sir. They have a fire engine. To a 6-year-old, that's crack." Kate says

"I am not gonna be shown up by some department that publishes shirtless calendars. West, Chen, let's get in the game." Jackson and Lucy follow Grey to hand out the buttons while Nolan and Kate stay and man the table.

An older kid comes up to the table.

"Hey. Hypothetically, if a neighborhood cat has been killed and the owners contact the authorities, will you investigate?"

"Did you kill a cat?" Kate asks

"I told you the cat's hypothetical."

"Did you kill anything non-hypothetical?" After Nolan asks, the boy grabs a couple buttons and runs off. "They're free. You don't have to run."

Nolan picks up a couple buttons to bring to some kids sitting on the lawn next to them.

"I'll be right back." He says to Kate, walking away.

A few minutes later, Nolan is running over to the firefighters with a boy in his arms, his uniform soaked. The boy was unconscious.

"Help! He's not breathing. I need a CPR mask."

"Clear out, grab that gurney!" Antonio, the firefighter yells out as he rushes to help Nolan.

It doesn't take long before the firefighters are able to resuscitate the boy. Everyone pats Antonio on the back and tell him 'good job.' While Nolan receives no recognition. Grey and Kate both tell Nolan he did good.

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