(19) Fighting with the Ray

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Ash ran as soon as possible to reach the Pokemon center. He wanted to make sure his Pikachu will be ok.
(I have to go there!!! Pikachu needs to be healed!!!)

"There!!! There is the Pokemon center!!" Ash smiled that he found it.

As he got inside he could see helpless people's inside.

(Oh! I think they are pretty poor and maybe homeless so that's why they came here...) He thought to himself.

He walked towards the center of the room and could see Nurse Joy. He remembered they are the once who heals Pokemons.

"Hi! Ummm... Sorry to bother you but my Pikachu is hurt can you heal him...?"

The lady looked at him and agreed to heal Pikachu.

Ash gaves a sight of relief and sat on a nearby seat looking around the peoples.

After some time later Ash comes outside with his Pikachu who was all ok now.

"I am glad everything is fine now. But i want to go to sky piller as soon as possible!"

He remembered a shortcut way and and start to go.

After some moments he reached the destination where he could only call out to Cam and Miles.

"Where are you two? I am here!!"

"Ash!! Your here!!" Someone walked towards him and it was Steven Ash asked him..

"Steven where are Miles and Cam?"

"They already went inside you can go as you want."

"Ok!" He nods and went inside sky pillar which was destroyed everywhere.

"Huh? Why it is like this? Did bad things happened here? And why so many holes are in the ground?"

Ash hesitate to move but he had to go up.

Upen doing the most of the stairs there was this one stair which looked impossible to go but before he could say anything about it he saw the other two.

"There you guys are!! What happened?"

"Ash.... This place is so dangerous..." Miles said.

"Also that rayquaza... It lives in the top floor which is impossible to go up. This place is ruined everywhere right now. There is no hope of saving hoenn..." Cam sights.

"Don't worry you guys!! I am still here and I can do it!!" Ash said in a confidence "I will go and get Rayquaza you guys should better head down I will tell Steven to get you two."

They where shocked to hear it but if course he needs to listen to him because for his abilities and his watch.

"Ok Ash! We will go down! Just be careful!" Cam said blushing slightly.

They went down and Ash goes up trying to get through the holes but failed to go up.

"How will I do it?" Ash said remembering he has his watch ability.

"Oh right! I should use my watch on this." He activated his watch and released a ray which makes the holes full and easy to go upstairs.

"Alright!! Let's goo up!!!"

To be continued

The Failed Experiment Season 1Where stories live. Discover now