(12) Let's go!!

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It was finally morning! And Ash woke up.

"*Yawns* what a great sleep I get!!" Ash said smiling!

"Good morning Ash! You definitely deserved a good night rest after the big battle yesterday!"

"Yeah... But you do remember we have to go to the watch shop right? Where is it?"

"It's name is 'Times a more' and probably it will be in a different area here in hoenn. Let's go and search for it!"

"Wait? You don't know yourself?"

"Well Ash it can be somewhere at blossoming heights?"

"That's awesome !! Let's go!!"

"Agreed!! Timers a more! Here we come!!"

"Well looks like I gotta go do my sums first and meet up with Cam and Miles and the others!"

He got a call from Miles. "Huh! Miles is calling!!" He picked it up!

"Ash! Are you up?"

"Yeah I am!"

"Good! You and Cam should come here!"

"When we will set for kanto btw miles?"

"Like in 1:00 am? I am not completely sure!"

"Ok! Works for me! I will let Cam know! Btw what's everything up with Serena?"

"Oh! Yeah we are doing alot of performance together and guess what she is going to kanto with us!!!"

"Wow! That's really great more awesome now I can talk to her more!"

" *Laughs* same Ash as ever,Ok! I will talk to you later than!" Miles cut off!

"Alright! It's 7:00am now! I still have time! Let's go!!" Ash said but he again thought if he should wake up Cam or not!

"I will just tiptoes out of the room." Saying it he started tiptoeing out.

He saw Cam is still sleeping.

(He looks so cute when asleep) he thought to himself while going outside.

"Let's go to blossoming heights now!!"

Ash scroll all over hoenn to find it!

"Where can it be?" He saw a map of hoenn from his watch and mark the destination.

"There we go!! It's a long walk but i can do it!!"

He ran up to blossoming heights on the left.

"I am excited to upgrade my watch!!"

To be continued

The Failed Experiment Season 1Where stories live. Discover now