(14) Hoenn in danger

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"HI GUYS!!!! I am here!!!" Ash said excitedly to see his friends!

"Ash! Your here!" Miles said while seeing Ash arrive!

"About time you show up;;" Cam said bothered!

"Sorry guys! There was a lot to handle out there;;;!!!"

"It's ok Ash!" Miles smiled but looks like Cam was the one to turn around.

"Cam? You ok there?" Ash asked.


Ash hesitated to say anything but thankfully Serena came!

"Hi guys i have some bad news!" Serena said.

"Huh? What is it Serena?" Ash said.

"Recently we have been hearing about the team aqua and magma! They have been here! So you guys can't go to Kanto yet?"

"Oh..!" Cam said. "Is there a way to defeat them?"

"Well i am a performer i don't know how to do things that well.. but I will try my best!!" Serena exclaimed that.
"What about you Miles? Aren't you brave too?"

"I..i.. i don't know really... I don't feel I am brave to battle and defeat them.."
Miles said scared.

"Don't feel scared Miles! I never saw you fight but I think you are good at it!" Ash said.

"Yeah! We can do this together!!" Cam said as well as serena.

"But what's the plan?" Ash said.

"I will try to investigate some places to find out where this incident is happening the most!" Serena said leaving.

"Ok! Good luck Serena!" All of the boys said.

"And what we will do?" Cam said.

"Hmm..." While thinking Ash's watch started to glow bright and Cam noticed it for the first time!

"Why is the watch of yours glowing like that??" Cam exclaimed.

"Ohh...that..." Ash tried to hide it but.. Miles started to say revealing the secret....

"Oh? Actually it is not a normal watch!"

"What!!!;;?? What do you mean???"

To be continued

The Failed Experiment Season 1Where stories live. Discover now