(2)My desire

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"Ho-Oh! Do you know what is my purpose in life?"

The fire bird Pokemon turned towards him.

"I don't know what happened to me and what is going on with me..I am not understanding all of it... please can you tell me?!"

It just looked at him with a hopeless face not understanding what to do now!

"Is there any ways I will be ok with all this Pokemons? Is it alright to stay here? Please tell me Ho-Oh tell me!!"

Ho-Oh felt a lot bad for him wanting to do something for him but can't also he was just a child. He also seems to not have emotions so it didn't saw him cry too which makes it clear that he is just so curious to know about the world! But Ash felt a hidden fear inside him but decided to ignore it.

It just wrapped it's wings around him and hugs him showing he is ok with all of them and don't need to worry at all.

"Thank you Ho-Oh I guess you are trying to calm me down. But seriously I am ok! Really! You don't need worry about me I am ok!"

It smiled at him showing he is safe with it and every Pokemons!

"Humans are terrible aren't they! I guess so i would love to teach humans a lesson later on....."

While he was thinking so he raged with anger it was looking like he was about to explode! Ho-Oh tried to Calm him down and do so! Than it shows to not become to much excited!

"Ok! I understand i won't become excited!"

He smiled at Ho-Oh and looked up at the sky.

"I wonder what my future holds and what will I do..."

While he was thinking a giant Pokemon came to him.

"Huh! Oh wait that!!!" He looked at it but didn't feared to see it just curious about it!

Before he could think more Ho-Oh fully defeated the Pokemon defending him!

"Do you seriously care so much about me! But why!?"

To be continued

The Failed Experiment Season 1Where stories live. Discover now