(17) Legendary's!

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"Groudon and Kyogre? Are they Pokemons?" Ash asked.

"Yes they are. They are the legendary Pokemons of Hoenn region. Groudon is known as the ground keeper and Kyogre is known as sea keeper. The two teams Team Magma wants to increase the Land and team Aqua wants to increase the Sea."

"Wow..." Miles gasped. "Is there any way to stop it?"

"There are no ways yet to stop this but until if we..."

"If we what?" Ash asked.

But before he could say something a bunch of grunts surrounded them and battled them. Ash used his Pikachu and Miles used Eevee. And the Gut sent out Metagross which surprised both of them.

The grunts ran away.

"Why are they attacking us?" Miles asked.

"They obviously doesn't want us to do something about this."

And than someone ran up to them. It was Cam he said.

"I am soo sorry for being quit all this time. I was trying to recover from what I witnessed."

"It's ok Cam. I know you where shocked."

Cam took a blink at Steven and said,

"Who are you?"

"I am Steven! I am currently trying to investigate about this situation and a way to get out with this."

"Soo! You where trying to say something i remember." Miles said having big hopes.

"Right! So there is only one way to stop this which is to go to Sky piller!"

"Sky piller? Where it is? And why we need to go there?"

"The third legendary of Hoenn lives there and it's the only way to calm them down."

"Ok!! We will go there! But where it is really?"

"I will show you all!"

*They started to follow him*

To be continued

The Failed Experiment Season 1Where stories live. Discover now