(4) My new friend

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5 years later

"Oh man!! I don't have any interest in those things anymore it's soo annoying!!!"

"It's ok Ash you don't need to be too hard you can take a rest from it"

"Thanks Ho-Oh btw I want to contect with humans more but how will I do it?"

"I think you should go to trainer School!"

"Trainer School? What is it?"

"Well you see it's a place where you can study more about pokemon!!"

"Wow that sounds interesting!! I am in!!"

As he was walking on his way he noticed the traffic!

"Woah!! All this traffic i never thought it would look like this!"

He walked through there and finally reached the school!

"Woah! This place is massive!!"
Ash started to walk through the place!

"I would never thought human lives in a place like this; Looks really interesting they do live in comfort!"

He signed on in the school and goes to his first day on the school and found his class.

"Wow! This class is soo great!!" He gasped and started to look everywhere !

Some girl students already got a crush on him by his looks and they went to him.

"Hi you are so handsome wanna be my boyfriend?"
"Huh!" He got surprised.

"What is it?" He asked.

They got away by thinking he is not mature.

"? It was so weird!"

Later in lunch he was looking around more!

"It's so great to be in school with this I can contect with humans more!"

Than he noticed someone injured!

"Huh!are you ok?" He asked.

"Ow ow!!" The boy said still sitting on the ground and can't get up!

"Looks like your ankles are broken!!"
Ash said!

"Yeah it has....but why are you being so nice?"

"Here let me help you!!" He gets down and puts bandages on his ankles and put medicines inside while the boy just kept looking at him!

"They will all do!!"He said to him smiling!

"Thanks a lot!!" He smiled at him!

"It's ok!! I am always happy to help!but look you can't walk here I will help you!!" And he helped him get on his feet!

"Thanks a lot man! Hi wanna be friends?i don't have any!"

Ash smiled "sure!"

As he said the boy hugged him!

"Btw what is your name? My name is Ash!"

"It's Cam!!"

"What an  amazing and cute name!"
Ash said smiling!

Cam blushed at the words!

"Th.. thanks?"

"Where do you live?"

"Oh! I live close by a little far from the school!and you?"

"Oh yeah! I live a little far away from here on a different area!" He lied.

"Oh that's great!"

Just as he said the bell ring!

"Oh looks like we have to go but I think you can't walk!"

"It's ok I will be ok!!" Cam said but as soon as he stood up he feel down!

"Don't be hard on yourself!!" Ash helped him get up again!

"I will send you to you house you can't stay like this!"


Later he reached home to his house after telling the headmaster and Cam waved goodbye to him and went to his house and told his parents about all the incidence and they also thanked ash!

Ash took a deep breath and went to his school again to do his later classes!

To be continued

The Failed Experiment Season 1Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz