I still look for your face in the crowds

115 12 1

|If you could see me now|


"Ideal first date?" Jisoo asks Chaeyoung as they talk on the phone

"I want a fancy 16 course dinner and I wanna feel like a movie star"

Jisoo felt a weird feeling on the bottom of her stomach but she chose to ignore it, "So when are you free then?"

"Already gunning for a first date?" Chaeyoung asks with a challenging tone, "Sorry to burst you bubbles but I'm still trying to arrange my apartment to make it look habitable by a decent human being"

"I can help with that" Jisoo says, cringing at herself for being too eager but Chaeyoung doesn't seem to mind - in fact, she doesn't mind at all.

She invites Jisoo on the following Saturday to help out with her unpacking and everything.




"Jisoo-ya" Jennie says as she saunters inside Jisoo's office without as much as a knock


"Saturday - bar - me, you, Wendy, Sehun, and Lisa"



Jisoo looks up and then went back on her computer, "I got plans - and before you ask it's not because of Lisa. I have legit plans"

"Boooo! c'mon" Jennie persists

"No. You should've asked sooner - I already made plans"

"With who? You don't have any friends?" Jennie asks

Jisoo ignores her until she leaves


When Saturday comes along Jisoo slipped into comfy clothing and stepped inside her car.

"I hope you don't mind but my sister is swinging by later - she wanna make sure that I didn't brought a psychopath in my apartment" Chaeyoung says as she greets her

"No problem" Jisoo just shrugs and takes in Chaeyoung's apartment, "Nice place" she comments

"I bet your house is way spacious" Chaeyoung teases

"Not really, I moved out of my house and I'm currently staying in a flat that is half the size of this"

"You don't have a lot of things don't you?"

"I do - its just that most of it hold memories I fought hard to forget that's why I moved in the first place"

Chaeyoung sets two wine glasses and looked at Jisoo, her interest piqued - "Bad relationship?"

"I'm not sure" Jisoo answers, nonchalantly as she further explores Chaeyoung's apartment

"How can you be not sure?"

"I removed my memory - I don't remember a thing from my past relationship"

Chaeyoung was cut off guard with that and as much as she wants to pry into that topic she stopped herself as they both started to unpack the boxes.




"You moved in a month ago and you still haven't finished unpacking" Jisoo says

"Is there a question there or just stating facts?"

"More like passing judgement" Jisoo smiles and starts to open a box labeled - highschool

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