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A/N: I started this in September, took it down in October and never finished it, so here I am in March ready to finish it finally. I'll try to make it less cringe but this is wattpad and what not so like... BUT I WILL SPELL FERMIN RIGHT.

Laura, Klara, Pablo, and I headed out of the house to go trick or treating. They lived in a small, but rich neighborhood, so they would get plenty of candy without having to be out too late.

We had trick or treated at about 10 houses, and still had plenty to go. Klara and Laura were walking a little ways ahead of Pablo and I, but we could still see and hear them perfectly.

"They're so polite," Pablo said referring to the girls.

"I know, they're the sweetest. It helps that they're surrounded by such great people." I said.

"Yeah, you're a great role model."

"I mean, I was talking about the team and stuff, but thanks," I smiled.

We kept trick or treating until we reached the last house. The girls' buckets were starting to fill up, and I could tell they were getting tired, so I was glad the night was coming to an end.

"Ok, this is the last house," I said as we walked up to the door. There was a bucket of candy bars with a sign that read 'please take one'. Both girls giggled in excitement.

"The switch witch is going to love this!" Klara said.

"The what?" I asked.

"The switch witch," she repeated.

"What is that?" I asked.

"The halloween witch who takes our candy and replaces it with a toy, but don't worry, she is a good witch." Klara explained.

"So you don't get any candy?" Pablo asked.

"We can keep three pieces," she said. We started walking back home.

"I would keep the biggest pieces," Pablo suggested.

"I would rather give it to the witch," Klara said.

"Pablo, will you carry me?" Laura asked.

"Sure, come here," Pablo picked her up.

Klara was telling us a spooky story the rest of the way home, and Laura fell asleep in Pablo's arms. Pablo suggested we watch a movie when we got back to the house, and I happily agreed.

When we got to the house, Anna took Klara and Laura to bed. We set their candy buckets on the table for the switch witch, then started up the stairs towards my room.

"Where are you guys going?" Robert asked from the couch.

"To watch a movie," I answered.

"Alright, just..." he sighed, "Never mind. Goodnight."

"Goodnight," I said as we went up to my room.

I quickly went into my closet to change into some pajamas, then came out and played next to Pablo in my bed. We picked a movie and started watching it. At first we were talking over it, but then I got too tired and started drifting off.

"Are you awake?" He asked.

"Yeah," I whispered.

"Sorry if I woke you," He said.

"It's ok. Thanks for choosing to be with me tonight instead of going to a stupid party or something," I said.

"I'd chose to be with you any day," he said.

"Thanks..." I said as I slowly started to fall asleep again until I felt Pablo move. "Please don't leave."

"Ok," he settled back in, "I won't."

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