you should come to the beach!

I really don't want to

why you said you wanted friends

well who will be there

Me and my buddies

who are your buddies

This guy named pedri, this guy named ferran, this guy named ansu

is that all...?

this girl named Caroline too, she just hasn't agreed yet

Sadly I don't think she's planning to

what better does she have to do

be with her cousins she just traveled across Europe to be with

her cousins are children. thats really sad, her only friends are children.

She has a friend named Esther!!

tell her she can bring this Esther if it will make her happy.

Alright she's going to go and she's bringing her friend

hip hip fricking hooray


like an hour or two

lets go two

yeah lets

welp i'll be seeing you

yeah yeah

After asking Esther if she could go, and her happily agreeing, I decided I might as well get ready. I took a shower and dried my hair so it looked nice, then picked out an outfit. I almost felt bad for asking Esther because I barely knew her, but at the same time the only way to get to know someone better is to hang out with them. Besides, I was bringing her around famous athletes.

I felt like I knew Pablo well enough because we had been texting and had interacted face to face a few times, but I had only texted Pedri once, and I didn't know Ferran or Ansu at all.

I hadn't quite gotten the hand of city driving, so I got a few glares, but at least I didn't crash or get run off the road. When I picked up Esther, she seemed happy to be there.

"I hope it doesn't seem like I'm using you," she said after I finished talking about my uncle and the players.

"Nonsense, but even if you were, a fake friend is a friend nonetheless."

"It must be nice getting to know all these cool people," she said.

"I hardly know them, I've got no clue why they asked me." I said.

"They probably want to be friends," she suggested.

"My uncle probably told them to. I don't mind, though. How it happened doesn't matter."

I parked next to Pedri's car. I could tell it was his because you don't see many green mini coopers, and I spotted them down on the beach. The introductions were pretty awkward, but then we started playing football in a circle and everyone loosened up. Esther and I weren't great at it, but we were good enough to do simple touches. Afterwards we all just started talking.

"Do you guys like each other because you're all Spanish or is that just a plus?" I asked.

"Well, let's just say everyone else is knocking on deaths door," Ferran said.

"That's not true at all, everyone is pretty young with the exception of a few," Esther said, and Ferran threw a handful of sand at her. "Stop! You're so dumb."

"Yeah right," he said.

"Ew, take that stuff somewhere else," Ansu said. We all laughed, but Esther and Ferran both seemed to blush.

"Does anyone want to get ice cream?" Pablo asked. There was a little ice cream truck down the beach.

"I'll go," I said.

I waited for someone else to say yes as well, but nobody did, so we started walking. We didn't really talk the way down there, but it was fine because there was enough noise around us. We got our ice cream, then started back.

"Esther and Ferran seem to like each other," Pablo said.

"Yeah, maybe a little two much," I laughed.

"Do you like the others?" He asked.

"They're fun, I like them." I said.

"I'm glad you came, I like hanging out with them but sometimes it gets kind of repetitive." He explained.

"I'm glad I came too."

A/N: sorry if this is moving too fast for your liking, I just don't want this to be that long. But don't fret, there IS drama to come. New chapters every week day!

next to you - pablo gaviOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora