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A/N: I started this in September, took it down in October and never finished it, so here I am in March ready to finish it finally. I'll try to make it less cringe but this is wattpad and what not so like... BUT I WILL SPELL FERMIN RIGHT.

A few days passed and before I knew it halloween was already here. My costume wasn't great, it was the type of costume that you wouldn't be able to guess, but once you knew what it was, you would appreciate the effort.

Klara and Laura however looked incredible. They had the coolest costumes I had ever seen. Anna was doing their makeup while Robert and I were watching a movie waiting for Pablo.

"Did your mom ever tell me about the time, well, one of the times she traumatized me as a child?" Robert asked.

"If you're talking about the time at the lake then yes, but if not, you never told me."

"Well It was halloween night..." he started when Pablo walked in the living room.

"Hi everyone," he waved. I could tell he wasn't expecting the whole family to be there.

"Hey," I smiled.

"Sit down, you're just in time for my story about the time Caroline's mom traumatized me," Robert said.

"Tell me more," Pablo said sitting down next to me.

"Where was I?" He asked.

"It was halloween night," I said.

"Right. So it was halloween night. I was 10 and Milena was 13. Mom and dad were making dinner, so the two of us were sitting on the couch playing when she asked me if I wanted to hear a spooky story. I was expecting something not very scary, but I was so wrong."

"Tell us the story she told you," I suggested.

"Are you sure you want to hear it?" He asked.

"No." Pablo said.

"Don't be a baby!" I bantered as Pablo rolled his eyes.

"There once was a girl called Mary. She lived alone in a small lakeside cottage in Poland."

"When does this take place?" Pablo asked.

"1890. As I was saying, Mary lived alone. Every morning she would wake up, change into one of her dresses, drink a glass of milk, then head of into the village."

"What would she do in the village?" Pablo asked.

"That doesn't really matter, so I'll leave it up to your imagination. When she came home, she would eat dinner, change into her nightgown, and get ready for bed. That process included brushing her hair 1000 times while standing in the mirror. Each night when she went into the bathroom, she would notice her hairbrush in a different spot than she left it."

"Was it a ghost?" Pablo asked.

"Why don't you let me finish? So one night, she noticed her hairbrush on the floor. She picked it up and started on her 1000 strokes. On brush stroke 664, she started to stare at herself more intensely. By stroke six hundred and sixty six, she thought she could faintly see someone looking back at her. She threw her brush to the ground, and ran upstairs to her bed. The next morning, she figured it was all a dream, but decided to ask the oldest person in the village as a precaution."

"Was she able to drink her milk before she left? Caroline like milk so this is important." Pablo said.

"Yes, she had her milk. When she told the oldest man in the village what happened, he asked her where she lived. After she told him that she liked in the blue cottage on the lake with the stone path, he seemed very serious. He told her about the legend of scary Mary. There used to be a woman named Mary who lived there, but her house tragically burned down, and she was sucked into the mirror realm."

"What's in the mirror realm?" Pablo asked.

"Scary Mary can look through others mirrors, crack them, and pull them into the mirror realm. Everyone in the mirror realm sits around Mary's piano and listens to her play all day."

"That sounds like a cult." Pablo stated.

"Indeed. The oldest man in town then told her the only way to get rid of Scary Mary was to stand in front of the mirror in candle light while chanting her name. Mary went home to do this. As she was chanting her name, she saw a face looking back at her again. She kept chanting her name until the mirror shattered. Scared, she ran out of her cottage into the creek surrounding her house. Sadly, Mary slipped, fell, and died."

"Boring ending." Pablo complained.

"That's not the end. Mary awoke in an old house. She looked around and saw no doors, but one window, a piano, and one mirror. She looked out the window and saw the creek she used to live near. She then went over to the window and just saw herself. As she looked closer, she saw her cottage up in flame. She forgot to blow out the candle when she ran away. She thought for a second... that all sounded too similar to Scary Mary's story! Then she realized, that was not a tale about someone else's past, it was a tale about her future. So next time you look into a mirror be oh so careful, you never know who's looking back," Robert concluded his story and chuckled a little.

"That was not scary at all," I said.

"Yeah, you really tried to get us with that plot twist of her being Scary Mary," Pablo added.

"I didn't make the story," he said.

"How do you even remember all that?" I asked.

"I told you, I'm traumatized." Robert said.

"The girls are ready," Anna walked out from the kitchen with Klara and Laura in full costume.


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