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"So I heard you met Gavi," Robert said at dinner. We were all sitting at the table.

"Yeah, he came to the door looking for you, he was really strange." I told him.

"Oh no, what did he do?"

"He stopped mid sentence to hate on me for drinking milk, and then he asked me who I was in such an accusatory tone, and then he just scurried away down the block, it was so weird!" I laughed.

"He's just a weird kid."

"What did he end up needing?" I asked.

"A pair of boots," he answered. After that, I finished my meal, went up stairs, and went to bed. I was pretty tired since I couldn't sleep the night before.




The next morning I woke up to a quiet house because Robert was a training, and Anna and the kids were at some sort of beach work out class. I went downstairs to get some breakfast. Eventually, I just grabbed a banana because I didn't want to make anything.

After I ate, I went upstairs to get dressed. I wanted to go somewhere today. I figured I might as well just walk through the city, that way I can see everything I want to.

Since Robert is rich and has extra cars laying around, he said that I could use his Cupra SUV whenever I wanted. God, I love rich people. I was a little nervous to drive through the city since I hate driving, but I did just fine. After what felt like an eternity, I found a parking spot and started down the sidewalk.

The weather was nice, it was sort of chilly, but the sun was out and there was no breeze. I ended up just doing a bit of shopping just to kill time and be able to say I did something today. When I got home it seemed like Anna was waiting for me.

"Hey, can you take the girls out to the pool? I have some things I need to do around the house," She said. What happened to hello?

"Sure, let me put on a swim suit really quick." I ran up the stairs and put on a swimsuit, then came back down and took Klara and Laura out to the pool. I was almost glad she asked, I had been dying to go swimming since I saw that dang pool.

"No splashing each other," Anna said before going up stairs.

"I want my floatie!" Klara said before running to get it.

"Do you want one?" I asked Laura.

"I got my arms," she said referring to the floaties around her arms. Klara came running back out holding a floatie and three pairs of goggles which she gave to each of us.

We went out to the pool, and Laura immediately jumped in without even feeling the water, and Klara followed her lead. I decided to take to stairs.

"Time me!" Klara said. She went to one end of the pool and I counted how long it took her to get to the other. After about 30 minutes of that, they finally got tired, so we got out of the pool and dried off.

"Where is your boyfriend from Christmas?" Klara asked while we were sitting on the chairs.

"Lucas? He broke up with me?" I said.

"But you're so pretty like a princess!" Klara said.

"I guess he didn't think so," I said. I was trying not to vent to a six year old.

"Are you going to get a new one?" She asked.

"Probably not, but maybe."

A/N: I didn't really know where this one was headed, but I just wanted to introduce the children...

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