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The next few days were perfect. I didn't get to see Pablo at all, but we texted and called. Most of all, I just had this buzz of excitement. I had a boyfriend before, but I had never been in love like this.

We hadn't told anyone, and didn't really have a plan to yet, we just decided that we would tell people when it felt right. I was going to tell Esther when she came over yesterday, but it didn't seem like the right time yet. After all, she still hadn't admitted to dating Ferran.

I was just hanging out at home when Pablo texted me.

come overrrr

He texts like an impatient seven year old. Obviously I immediately grabbed everything I needed and left. I was walking to the front door when I was stopped.

"Where are you going?" My uncle asked.

"Uh," I froze, "My friends house."

"It's almost 9," he said.

"Yeah but he was busy until now," I explained.

"He?" Shit. I didn't even realize I said that.


"And is he your boyfriend?"

"Yeah..." I repeated.

"Who is this guy?" He asked.


"I knew it!" He shouted.

"Don't make a big deal out of it," I said.

"Have fun, but don't do anything stupid." He said, and with that I walked out the door and over to my car.

I liked Pablo after the first game of his I went to, but of course I would never tell anyone that. I liked that he saw me as nonchalant. People always thought of me as quiet and mysterious, so I just accepted it, but coming to Barcelona was like a fresh start. I could be as loud and obnoxious as I wanted to, and never take anything too seriously.

Driving to his house was the most nervous I had ever been. I kept telling myself that he liked me, and I didn't need to be someone I wasn't, we were just going to watch movies.

"Hey," he said answering the door.

"Hey," I smiled. Don't be awkward. I followed him in and we sat down on his couch.

"Let me guess, you want to watch something cheesy," he said.

"I mean if you wanted to you could have just said so," I joked. "But I was actually thinking scary."

"Really?" He asked seeming excited.


"I love scary movies but nobody ever watches them with me."

"You've got me," I said. We picked out the creepiest movie we could find on Netflix and started watching. It felt like a competition of who was the least scared, and he was either winning or he just had a great poker face.

"I forgot to ask, how are you today?" he asked halfway through the movie. My head was on his shoulder and we had just been chatting through the movie.

"I'm good," I said.

"Are you homesick yet?" He asked.

"Eh, not really. And what about you, how are you?" I asked.

"I guess I'm good," he said.

"Why do you guess?" I asked.

"Life has just been getting boring," he said, "But you make it better."

A/N: shoot me with a gun, I can't write for shit 🤪🤪🤪

another a/n: I rly wanna write a fight again so just watch out for that. sleep with two eyes open.

a/n x3: there will NOT be another ch for a little while 😿😿 give me 7 days and you'll have 13290421 new chapters

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