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The next day I woke up to 3 calls and a text from Pablo.

We are going to breakfast in like 40 minutes, wanna come?

sent at 6:30 am.

It was 7am. I rushed and got dressed, brushed my hair and teeth, and put on shoes. Why he expected I would be awake at 6:30 was beyond me, but nonetheless, I managed to get ready on time, so I texted him and he told me to meet them in the lobby.

"God, it's so early," I said as I walked over to the group. Frenkie, the Dutch one Klara likes, and Raphinha were also coming with us.

"I wasn't sure if you were awake, thats why I called so many times," Pablo said with a cheeky smile.

"I'm sure I would have really missed out if I'd slept in," I said.

"You never know, maybe you'll find €10,000 on the ground," he suggested.

"Or maybe I'll die," I countered.

"Somber," he said. We waited for everyone else to come down. They were all there within five minutes. Ansu was the last one, so I had time to introduce myself to Frenkie and Raphinha. From the few minutes we spent talking, they seemed cool.

Since none of us had cars there with us, we had to walk. I was scared they were going to get jumped, but thankfully they didn't. Because 99% of people in Madrid support Real Madrid, they didn't get stopped for pictures, either. Finally we made our way into the restaurant Pedri picked out. I wasn't sure if I trusted his suggestion, but it didn't look sketchy or anything.

There were seven of us, so we had to sit at a big table. Ferran was next to me and kept saying the most random and out of pocket things, and Pablo who was across from me kept kicking my feet. Raphinha, Ansu, and Frenkie were all having a conversation on one end of the table, and the rest of us were just listening to Ferran's intrusive thoughts.

"Wait, what if at the game I just run straight into the post to confuse Cortouis?" Ferran asked.

"Then you'd lose the ball and it would be stupid," Pablo said.

"No, like if I didn't have the ball. Just full speed and he'll hopefully be like oh god, are you ok, and then while he's distracted, SCORE!" He explained.

"Could you like... maybe think about what you say before you say it?" I asked.

"Ok." He said. "Well what if I dab when I score?"

"We'll all sob," I said.

"What if-" Pablo started.

"If anyone says anything stupid I'm sitting in the Madrid section." I said.

"What if I started a fight." Pablo said. "With Ferran."

"What did I do?" Ferran asked.

"It will be confusing to everyone, I'll pull your hair, you'll slap my stomach a few times, boom, goal!" He explained.

"That's it, I'm going to buy a Madrid kit."

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