5-1. That was the scoreline of the game against Atletico Madrid. Barcelona scored very early, but then Atletico started scoring and they lost their confidence. It was 2-1 at the half, so we all figured they would be able to get back into it, but they couldn't.

This was there second loss in a row, and it was an embarrassing one. There was no pictures with fans or signing their jerseys, it was straight off the pitch and into the locker rooms for a talk we all knew wouldn't be pleasant. While they were walking off, Gavi looked especially upset, so I decided to call him. I waited about an hour so I wouldn't disturb him too much.

"Hey," I said as he picked up the phone.

"Hey, whats up?"

"You seemed really upset after the game," I said.

"Well, yeah, nobody likes losing."

"Understandable," I said.

"It's just- yeah, I'm fine."

"It's just what?" I asked.

"I feel like it's always my fault when we lose," he said.

"Pablo, it couldn't be your fault. There's 10 other out there, and you usually only play 70 minutes."

"I just don't have a good feeling about this season." He said.

"Over two bad games? Look, there's going to be highs and there's going to be lows, but when you're as talented as you are it will all pass unless you don't let it."


"Do you want to do something?" I asked. "Maybe that would take your mind off it."

"What are you thinking," he asked.

"We could rob a bank, burn down Camp Nou, or run someone off the road," I suggested jokingly.

"Oh, like you did in the golf cart?" He asked.

"Yeah, yeah. What if we went to the carnival?"

"Is that still in town?" He asked.

"Yeah, for a few more days," I answered.

"Ok, sure. I'll see if Pedri, Ferran, and Ansu can go, you see if Esther can. I know she's kind of your only friend." He said.

"Funny coming from the one who just lost 5-1," I joked.

"Too soon," he said, I could tell he was half joking and half serious.

I hung up, then texted Esther to see if she could go. She said she was working, so I told Pablo, and he said everyone but Ferran could go. He said Ferran wasn't in the mood after the game.

I put on an outfit that was mostly comfortable, but cute enough that I could wear it in public, then did simple makeup and sprayed on my favorite perfume then left.


I was glad that Caroline asked if I wanted to do something, because all I wanted was to take my mind off of our awful game. I'd have been lying if I said I didn't like her a little, but I wasn't sure if she felt the same way, and we'd only known each other for like 2 weeks, so I wasn't going to do anything crazy.

Since people always take pictures of me when I'm out in public, I decided to wear all black to seem depressed. Since the game went so badly, I assumed people would avoid me and not ask for pictures or anything.




"So she asked you?" Pedri asked. He picked Ansu and I up and was driving us to the carnival.

"Yeah, bro. She called me a little after the game and asked if I wanted to do something to take my mind off it. She said I seemed the most upset out of everyone," I explained. I didn't want to tell them about the other things we talked about.

"That's so dumb," Ansu said.

"I don't think so," I said, as I felt like it was a nice gesture. "Don't be jealous someone cares about me."

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