652 7 0

I almost stayed true to my word and got a Madrid kit, but I didn't want the whole team to suffer and miss out on my support because of Ferran and Pablo. After breakfast, everyone was getting warmed up, so I went with them to the stadium.

The Bernabeu was very beautiful, but nothing beats Camp Nou and the open roof (rip). I was just pacing around the pitch acting as a makeshift ball girl while I waited for the game to start. After getting hit with the ball one too many times, I went to go sit down on the bench. My uncle worked some things out so I could sit on the bench to get the "full experience" as he says.

The stadium had been starting to fill up, and it was about half way full when the players went into the tunnel. By the time they came back out it was completely full, no empty seats for this match.

"Not cut out to be a ball boy, huh?" Pablo asked coming over to me.

"I guess not," I answered.

"Gündoğan's in, I'm out," he said plopping down next to me.

"So you're not starting?"

"I'm not playing." He said. I could tell he was hurt by that.

"That's bullshit," I said, trying to offer some consolation. "But that's also football. You're telling me Messi never sat out?"


"Oh..." I said. "Well hey, now you're here with me!"

"What a blessing," He said sarcastically.





20 minutes into the game and it was still 0-0. Not starting was one thing, but not playing at all just hurt. Caroline made it worth it, though. She knew quite a bit about football, but she kept asking me questions because she wanted my "professional analysis". As crazy as it sounds, I think I would have rather been on the bench with her than playing.

"What's wrong?" She asked me.

"Nothing, I'm just thinking." Just as I answered Courtois saved Pedri's shot.

"Would you be a good keeper?" She asked.

"I'd be a great keeper, I'm actually switching from midfield to goalkeeper."

"You're making me laugh," Iñaki Peña, the other goalkeeper said.

"When was the last time you played?" I asked.

"Listen up, buddy, right now we're both on the bench so zip it."




The final score was Barcelona 1-0 Madrid. I kind of forgot that I was supposed to be upset about not playing after we won. I was enlisted by Lewandowski to take some family photos of him and Caroline for his Facebook or whatever.

"So would you want to like... hang out tomorrow when we get back?" I asked Caroline as I gave her back her phone.

"Sure, but can we do something at night?" She asked.

"Why, are you like a vampire or something?" I asked.

"Maybe," She smiled.

"Ok fine, you and I tomorrow night."

A/N: "This is what I waited a week for?" Yeah... sorry about that 😀😀

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