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Traveling back Barcelona was hell, but I had something to look forward. Don't get me wrong, I liked hanging out with our little group of friends, but Pablo was my favorite and I liked hanging out with just him. He was the first person I met when I came here, and he was the nicest to me.

Because Pablo just loved surprises, I wasn't sure where we were going, so I picked out a black skirt and a shirt to match. I didn't exactly love his driving, but he was better at it than me so he was coming to pick me up.

"Hey," I smiled as I sat down in the front seat of his rich car.

"Hey, how was your day?" He asked, then started driving away.

"Good," I said. "Actually it was shit, I don't know why I said otherwise."

"Otherwise." He repeated. "But what was it so terrible?"

"Just travel," I said.

"Can't relate, I slept so good on the plane, the bedbugs didn't dare come near me."

"Because you get a fucking private jet, I get old man Steve snoring next to me on the train."

"Rich uncle," he said.

"I hope he puts me in his will! Like you said he's getting pretty old," I joked.

"You'd get a signed jersey," he said.

"I'd sell it. But would anyone even buy something signed by a dead person?" I asked.

"When did this conversation get so dark?" He asked.

"It was a valid question." I said.

"Me personally, I could never," he answered.

"Start with what you can do, that might be a shorter list."

"That was a good one, I'm not even mad." He said. A few moments later he pulled into the sketchiest looking parking lot of a terrifying abandoned building.

"What the hell?"

"Just trust me," he said as he grabbed a bag from the back seat.

"What's that, a knife? A body bag?" I asked.

"Blankets," He opened the bag to show me, "And a flashlight."

"Alright, but only because if anyone ever found out you killed me your career would be gone."

We got out of his car and walked into the building. It wasn't creaky or anything, just empty and dark. We walked up a flight of stairs to a door that led out to the rooftop. We walked to the other side of the door and there was a beautiful view of the city.

"You said you wanted to see the city at night? Here you go," He said, and sat down against the wall. I sat down next him and he pulled out the blanket he brought. Such a sweet kid.

"Wow," I said. "Where did you find this place?"

"My last girlfriend showed me," he said.

"What do you mean by last?" I asked, confused. He was making it sound like he had a girlfriend currently.

"Well, I was thinking..." He looked over towards me. My heart was beating out of my chest, and the chilly air set the scene. I knew what was coming, but was I ready? "Look, I don't know how to ask you so I'll just do it, will you be my girlfriend?"

"Pablo, are you sure?" I asked. I wanted to say yes, and I would, but I had to know that he was 100% sure about this.

He didn't say anything, instead he gently pulled me in from the back of my head and kissed me. In that moment I knew that I loved him. I didn't care that we had basically just met, and I didn't care that he was a famous football player. All I cared about was him.

A/N: 😝 sry abt that

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