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When Wooyoung wakes up, he is bundled up in bed. He sees that he is dressed in shorts, a sweater, and fuzzy socks. He smiles when he realizes Jongho must have dressed him. He gets up to go search for the younger and finds him in the kitchen cooking some pasta.

"Hey," Wooyoung says.

Jongho smiles. "Hey. Did you have a good nap?"

Wooyoung nods. "The pasta smells good."

"Thanks. So I talked to Yunho and he said they are moving him tomorrow afternoon. Which means he will be allowed visitors."

"Really??" Wooyoung's eyes grow wide and start to fill with tears.

"Yes." Jongho smiles softly. "The doctors say he's recovering remarkably well. He's going to be okay."

The dam breaks and Wooyoung falls to his knees on the kitchen floor, sobbing into his hands.

Jongho rushes to his side and hugs him as hard as he can. He doesn't say anything, he just lets Wooyoung get all of his pent-up emotions out.

Wooyoung lets himself be held. He lets himself cry.

Yunho is going to be okay.

After he calms down Jongho moves him to sit at the table and brings him a plate of food.

"You need to eat something, Woo."

Wooyoung nods and begins eating.

Jongho sits next to him to eat as well. After a few moments he speaks again. "So what do you want to do for the rest of the day? We can watch a movie or something."

Wooyoung hums. "I want to finish the Harry Potter movies but I want to do that with Yunho."

Jongho nods. "We can watch something else. Maybe a Disney movie?"

"Yeah, that sounds nice. Something mindless."

Jongho reaches across the table to caress Wooyoung's cheek. "Exactly what I was thinking. I would also like to bandage your wrists and get some ointment on them too, please."

Wooyoung looks down and winces when he sees the awful purple and black bruises that wrap entirely around both wrists. There were a few deep indents too that look like they had probably bled at some point too...

"My ankles too..." he whispers, shrinking in on himself a little.

Jongho just nods in understanding.

"I didn't hurt you, did I?" Jongho asks after a moment.

"No. I mean, I'm sore," Wooyoung giggles lightly. "But you didn't hurt me. I enjoyed it."

Jongho sighs in relief knowing he kept his promise not to hurt Wooyoung. He stands to put their dirty dishes away then runs to grab a first aid kit while Wooyoung settles on the couch.

When he comes back, he sits next to Wooyoung and begins massage ointment into the wounds and bandaging them.

Wooyoung can't help but hiss and flinch a few times, but he doesn't fight Jongho at all, knowing it was foolish of him to not let the nurses take care of him.

By the time the younger is finished, Wooyoung is already starting to doze off once more.

Jongho's touch is so gentle, so soothing... It helps to keep his mind at ease and distracts him enough that he doesn't dwell on the fact that Yunho isn't there.

Before he can slip into a calm sleep, Jongho is nudging him.

"You need to stay awake, Youngie. You have been sleeping basically since yesterday. You're not going to sleep tonight if you keep napping," Jongho says gently.

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