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"Welcome, Wooyoung." Dr Anders smiles and motions for him to sit. "How are you today?"

"I'm good, thank you." He says, twisting his lips to the side and shifting in place nervously.

The doctor gives him a kind smile and relaxes into her chair. "There's no need to be nervous. We are just going to chat."

Wooyoung nods a couple of times.

"How have things been since I last saw you?"

"Good, really good." He says, managing a small smile. "It's actually been a really nice week."


"Hello, Yunho," Dr. Anders says as Yunho walks into her office and starts to make himself a cup of coffee. "How has your dominant side been behaving this past week?"

Yunho chuckles. "It's been annoying. The urge to take control and get into that head space was hard to resist."

Dr. Anders smiles as he settles in.

"Well you both seem to be doing better. Have there been any big changes? Maybe a new development or something good that happened?"

Yunho smiles to himself. "Not yet. But hopefully soon."


"Tell me about it."

Wooyoung shifts in place again before speaking. "Yunho's been really attentive. Not that he wasn't always, but it just feels a little different."

"Different how?"

"I don't really know how to describe it... but maybe like a wall has broken down between us?"

Dr Anders nods a couple of times. "That wall being Hyunjin?"


"What event might happen?" The doctor asks politely.

"I'm going to ask Woo to marry me," Yunho answers.

"Really? That's a big step Yunho."

"I know," Yunho says. "But I have never in my life wanted this. After everything with Hyunjin, I realized that I can't imagine a life without Wooyoung. I have never been surer about something in my life."


"Maybe? I don't know..." Wooyoung looks down at his lap. An uncomfortable tightness starts to build in his chest...

It hurt. And it was something he's worked so hard to keep at bay, because with that pain comes... other memories...

"Have you been writing your letters?"

The doctor's voice snaps him out of his spiral and he's able to nod. "I have. One every day."


"Well I am very happy for you then," Dr. Anders starts. "Now tell me, have you noticed a change in your relationship with Wooyoung without your titles?"

"Yes, actually!" Yunho says.

"Good. What have you noticed?"

Yunho thinks on where to start. "I have noticed he is a bit calmer. We are hanging out with our friends more and trying to communicate better. He doesn't have as many nightmares, either. Maybe three over the past week?"


"Would you like to share any of them with me?"

"No... Not yet at least, if that's okay." Wooyoung shrinks into himself a little.

"Of course. They are your private letters. Can you tell me how writing them makes you feel?" Dr. Anders asks.

Wooyoung takes a moment to think. "Better when I'm done, like a small weight has been lifted. But it's really hard for me to get the words onto paper."

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