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The next few days pass in very much the same way.

Wooyoung would go to work with Yunho and either sit in his office or go walk around with San and Yeosang.

There were still parts of the city they have not seen, so they passed the time doing that.

Yunho cancelled his afternoon appointment on Friday, though, so he can work on getting himself ready mentally for the night in front of him, as well as dress his precious boy up in the package that had just been delivered.

"Oh, Baby," Yunho sings as he walks into the bedroom looking for Wooyoung. He sees him walk out of the closet that he had slowly been moving into so he isn't living out of a suitcase anymore.

"Yes, Daddy?" He asks. Yunho hands him the package and he takes it skeptically. "What is this?"

"It should be your collar for tonight," Yunho says. That's all Wooyoung needs to hear before he is tearing into it. He pulls out a smaller box and opens the lid on it too.

He pulls out a beautiful white collar with a D-ring on the front with his tag showing who he belongs to. He runs his hands over the soft leather.

"Daddy, it's so beautiful..." He trails off in awe.

Yunho puffs his chest out a little. "You like it?"

"I love it!!" Wooyoung throws his arms around Yunho's neck.

Yunho catches him with ease and they spin around a couple of times.

When they are done, Yunho motions to a bigger box still on the table. "There's more, but this collar will be the one you were whenever we go to the club."

Wooyoung nods in understanding and watches as Yunho pulls out another small box. Inside is a simple, black velvet collar. It's thinner, making it look more like an everyday choker that anyone could wear.

"This is the one you can wear every day, in public." Yunho says softly. "So, my claim will still always be on you."

"They are perfect! You spoil me." Wooyoung says with a smile.

"Well, you were somewhat right that first day we met. I do love to spoil my subs."

Wooyoung hands the white collar to Yunho to wrap it around his neck for him and it fits perfectly. He loves the soft feel and how comfortable he is with it. Yunho then tells him to get dressed so he runs to the closet to find his leather shorts.

He throws some sweats over them and a hoodie so he isn't too cold when they head to the club. Tonight would be a night to remember.

Before he knows it, he is walking with Yunho up to a building tucked away in a side alley.

The front is extremely ordinary, with a simple sign that says 'Utopia' on it that is so plain, it could pass as a sign for an abandoned shop or someplace not important.

Yunho opens the door and the entire atmosphere changes.

Luxurious seats and a desk greet them along with oil paintings and plants. A large, ornate wooden door is behind the desk and Wooyoung knows the scene will change behind there too.

A young girl greets them from behind the counter. "Good afternoon, gentlemen. Registration number?"

"1117." Yunho says. "I have a new Sub to register too."

Wooyoung watches as the woman and Yunho discuss paperwork and rules and the first day fee. It all seems a bit much to Wooyoung. Next thing he knows Yunho is leading him into a hallway.

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