Alexander: The Promo Tour

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Four weeks passed and the media frenzy surrounding Harry Styles, my wife and our youngest son's paternity had died down. Sophie had thoroughly enjoyed her visit with Rayne and meeting Jack. We hadn't spoken about our situation since that night. 

My EP was finished and I was about to go on a promotional tour - signing autographs and performing at shopping malls and music stores in the northeast for three weeks straight. We would then get a two week break and finish the promo tour, traveling for six weeks. I was nervous to leave my boys, to meet the fans, and to release my first official album.

John, my manager, was arranging and prepping the last few details before our first event in three days, the bus would leave the following day. I was late to the final meeting - to sign some more documents and finalize our itinerary.

The band, my attorney and John were waiting for me in the conference room when I arrived. I apologized for my tardiness and got a few chuckles.

"We are happy you even showed," laughed John. "Some rock stars decide this isn't an important part."

I smiled and sat down in an empty chair. My attorney, Amanda Roberson, had already started looking through the contract. I hated depending on someone else completely, but I needed Amanda and her eyes to be sure I wasn't getting screwed. 

She finished reading the packet and slid it over to me.

"The documents are correct," she stated. "Everything is in place."

I signed where I needed to as John sat and watched my every move. Once I finished, I handed the packet to him and waited for him to begin.

"Well, guys! Our first event will be on Friday at Planet Hollywood in Times Square," he announced. "There will be security and the fans have paid in advance for the meet & greet. You need to remember to interact, smile and give 'em some small talk."

I looked him over. He was wearing a fancy suit - probably Louis Vuitton - with a red silk tie. His brown hair was slicked back and his brown eyes looked bright. He must be making big bucks on us, I thought. He was married, but he and his fourth wife were in the process of getting a divorce- no kids at thirty five. He probably would be more attractive and likeable if he wasn't so - so - sleazy?

An hour later, John reminded us that we would meet our new backup guitarist before our first event and then finished his spiel so the guys and I agreed to meet him in the lobby conference room at 5 pm on Friday. 

Mickey, my drummer, and I exchanged small talk on the way down the elevator. Grey was busy singing "Hey Jude". 

"Has the dust settled at home?" Mickey asked me.

The guys were aware of the rumors and wanted to be sure I was 100% ready for our promo tour. 

I nodded. "Things are much more quiet. I am very ready for this."

"Has she seen Styles since?" Grey stopped singing.

"No," I answered shortly. "They just met up a couple's really no big deal."

Grey shrugged his shoulders and began whistling "Let It Be." The elevator doors opened so I said goodbye to the guys as I rushed to get into the car waiting for me. 

I wanted to feel more comfortable around the guys, but I knew they were worried a few weeks ago when shit hit the fan. I held my own and didn't let anyone see me react poorly. More than anything, I just wanted keep everything focused on music - not about my relationship. I wanted my fans to enjoy my music, not think I was some type of victim.

The ride home was long due to all the traffic. I walked up to my building and noticed a few paparazzi near the bushes - security must have cleared them from the entrance. I said hello to the doorman and waited for the elevator. My plan was to spend as much time as possible with the boys before I left.


Sophie's POV

Harry's private investigator had not yet found the person behind the unknown number. He sent me a few emails while in Europe - but had not mentioned seeing one another again. They had a break of 7 days coming up in a week...I had no idea where he would be.

I tried to avoid reading tabloids; however at the grocery store, I couldn't help but notice the cover of a gossip mag; a picture of Harry hugging a supermodel in Barcelona. Apparently, she spent the night in the same hotel. I refused to let myself get upset - Harry probably had to see pictures of me with Alexander and the kids. I just had no idea if it bothered him at all.

Alexander came home around 4pm, had gone straight to the playroom and started a puzzle with Lennon and Bas. Things had felt slightly awkward since the story questioning the paternity of Bas was released. Alexander knew that Little B was his, but it hurt him to read that. He was a private person and deep down, I knew he hated the publicity...he wanted this to be all about the music.

"Dinner will be here soon," I said as I walked into the playroom.

"Sounds great."

"Subs are ok, right?" I asked.


"How did the meeting go? Everything all set with Amanda and the tour? Do you want us to go with you on Friday?"

"The meeting was fine, Amanda cleared everything and yes, the tour is set. Do you think the boys would like to go?"

I thought for a minute. "Of course! I will ask Wendy to come with us that way she can bring them home if it gets to be too much."

"You'll stay with me?" He raised an eyebrow.

"I'm super excited for you, Alexander," I replied. "I want to be there to support you."

He smiled and nodded. The boys started fighting so Alexander went back to working on it with them. The phone rang, Peter let me know dinner had arrived.

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