January to February

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"He asked and I said no," she repeated flatly.

"Why on earth did you say no?" I was shocked.

"I don't know," she answered.

I could tell something else was bothering her.

"Tell me, Ray," I insisted.


"Wait, is it something I did or said?" I asked trying to put the puzzle pieces together.

"It's not just you. I don't know if I want to be married," she answered matter of factly.

"Oh," I sighed. "There is no rule that you have to be."

"I know, but I think I'm happy with the way things are. He felt pressured because of how quickly things between you and Harry - well....."

There it was.


From that point on, the conversation was awkward. So we chatted about my trip to the UK, except I omitted the incident with Anne. When we both had had enough of the tension, we said goodnight.

I finished cleaning up from dinner and checked on the boys. Lennon had fallen asleep reading to Bas, so I moved the book and kissed their little foreheads.

Suddenly, I felt extremely alone.


Work was back in full swing. The firm was working with its European sister company to promote the One Direction tour. Harry's clothing line was a huge success - especially in LA, NYC and London. Once he was on break from the tour, he would need to meet up with the crew and start planning his fall/winter lines.

Anne arrived two days before my appointment and insisted on staying at Harry's rather than my home. Robin had come with her; he was very excited to explore the city.


Manuela kept Bas. I walked outside just as Carl pulled up to the curb. I smiled and gave him a small hug. He opened the door, extended his hand and assisted me into the SUV.

"Good morning," Anne said lightly.

"Hello," I smiled back.

"Are you excited?"

"I am," I nodded. "Are you?"

She shook her head furiously and grinned like a fool. I giggled.


The office was clean, there were plenty of seats, and Anne waited patiently while I filled out the new patient forms. It was a strange feeling filling out the papers without Harry. I left most of the spaces blank - we hadn't discussed whether I should give his personal information out.

I placed the pen down and took a breath. Anne must've noticed because she moved closer.

"He will be here for the next one," she said patting my shoulder.


In the small room, Dr. Easton introduced himself and started in on the exam quickly.

"Obviously, your age is a little concerning - just a little though. I noticed you didn't write any information about the father. Is this your mother?"

I felt overwhelmed. But Anne spoke up immediately.

"Actually, I'm her future mother in law. My son is a celebrity and she's just trying to protect his privacy," she replied calmly.

"Ah, I see. Well, let's begin shall we?" He put on gloves and picked up the ultrasound wand.

Anne sat closer to me as we watched the little peanut fill up the screen. It squirmed and swam around as the doc moved the wand. Suddenly, we heard what sounded like a horse galloping. Tears filled my eyes. Anne squeezed my hand.

Caught in a Landslide (ft. Harry Styles)Where stories live. Discover now