A New Year

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Anne's mouth opened but nothing came out.

"Harry, you're so young," she said quietly after a moment of silence.

My heart pounded in my chest as I glanced quickly at Harry. His smile had faded and his brows narrowed.

"Mum, he will be 23 soon," Gemma interjected.

Anne and Harry stood very still just staring at each other.

Matt, who we all seemed to have forgotten, stood up and tiptoed out of the kitchen. Robin put his arm around Anne. Suddenly, Lennon burst into the kitchen.

"Harry, look what I found!" He shrieked.

Harry and I both looked at Lennon who was holding a frog.

"Do you see it? We don't have these in New York!" He yelled excitedly looking for Harry's approval.

Harry shook his head and smiled at my son.

"That's awesome, mate," Harry walked over to examine it closer. "But perhaps we should take it outside?"

Lennon nodded and walked out the door with Harry. I glanced at Anne again. She had tears in her eyes. Gemma sighed then left to find Matt.

"He left home at 16 to go on tour, he has been all over the world, he has done so much already," Anne watched me intensely. "Marriage and a baby at 23....I suppose I expected him to wait a while."

I looked at the floor to think about my response.

"Anne, I love your son. I refuse to hold him back from accomplishing the things he sets out to do. In fact, I would love to be by his side while he succeeds even more. This isn't about money or fame. This is about the way Harry makes me feel - the person he makes me want to be - the strong love I feel every time I am with him," I began to cry. "This child is a product of our love and sense of security with one another. While age wise, he may seem young, Harry has an old soul and is super motivated. Our child will not hold him back either."

Harry walked up beside me and handed me a tissue, then put his arms around me. When he kissed my forehead, I started sobbing with my head on his shoulder. He squeezed me closer to his chest. I heard Anne's footsteps as she left the room.


"Mom, I want to stay up and watch the ball drop!" Lennon bounced on the hotel bed.

"Well, that's up to your daddy and Gigi," I answered. "You'll be with them tonight."

"Ok, will Lily Rose be there?"

I nodded and finished packing their overnight bags. Harry was out at a pub with his father - who seemed to be excited for us. I felt very uncomfortable at Anne's after the incident. Eleanor and Gemma had come to visit me at the hotel and took me to lunch. We chatted about things, but didn't talk too much about the baby and completely avoided talking about Anne.

Around 6 pm, Alexander knocked on the door to pick up the boys. Earlier, we bought them poppers and special crafts to keep them busy - if they were to stay up.

"You can't hide out in this hotel forever," Alexander said casually.

"I know. I feel awful," I said glumly.

"Aw, Soph, your baby will be so loved. You and Harry need to be happy," he said and turned to walk away.

I was about to close the door, but Alexander put his hand out to stop me.

"You're more than welcome to join us tonight," he offered.

"Thank you," I whispered and shut the door.


Harry kissed my cheek to wake me. Today was a day I had been dreading for some time. I was just weeks away from entering the second trimester and Harry was off to tour Europe with One Direction.

A knock at the door startled us. I whined when he got off the bed to answer but stood up and pulled on black leggings with a blue dress. Then, I pushed my feet into my snow boots and grabbed my gray sweater. Next, I wheeled my large suitcase out into the living area.

"I'm truly sorry I reacted that way, Sophie," I spun around quickly.

Anne walked up next to me and opened her arms for a hug. I looked at Harry, his eyes were wide and his nostrils flared. Gemma stepped in the room too.

"I am very excited to meet my first grand baby," she offered still with arms open.

I took a deep breath and nodded, then stepped in for a hug. She let out a sigh of relief.

"I couldn't let you leave without knowing that you both have my full support," she said sheepishly.

"I appreciate it," I replied still having some doubts.

"Would it be alright if I came over for a visit while Harry was away? I could join you at your appointment?"

I thought for a moment. I had no intention of keeping this child away from anyone - I actually wanted everyone to be a part of his or her life.

"Sure, that sounds nice," I answered coolly. "My appointment is January 26."

"Great!" She practically shrieked. I smiled.

After another hug, Gemma and Anne left the hotel. Harry called Charles who escorted all of us to the airport. The goodbye was difficult, but I was ready to be home. I knew I would miss him though.


The flight was simple. Lennon and Bas slept away the weekend. Manuela arrived back that Sunday night and helped me prepare Lennon for school again. I got all my work stuff in order. Linda called to tell me that she and Todd were getting more serious and she had met his parents. Rayne called to tell me that Jack had proposed, but she had turned him down.



AN: please comment, vote and share! I love all feedback. Thanks for reading <3

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