One Week Later..

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Sophie had been acting strange since she came home that night. I recalled her telling me she would be home by 10pm, but she strolled through the door at one in the morning. I couldn't help but give her a questioning look. However, she insisted that they had had some drinks and lost track of time.

She seemed distracted as the week went on and mentioned getting her phone number changed; fortunately and unfortunately, Jesse, the band and I made great progress on my first EP, so I had been too busy to actually sit and talk about what was going on.

One thing I knew, she hadn't seen Harry Styles since that night, in fact, I don't even know if they had communicated. I knew I needed to speak to her - and I would soon.

"Hey man, you're up!" Jesse shouted at me, gesturing to the booth.

We were on the fourth song. Just one more, I thought as I walked in and placed the headphones over my ears.

I sang the words into the microphone, stopped, then started over. After what seemed to be five hundred takes, Jesse gave me a thumbs up. He was ready to edit, so I ordered the guys and I some pizzas.

"When's the next session, mate?" Asked the Australian bassist called Grey.

"Today is Thursday, so, let's take the weekend off," answered my manager, John. "Monday 9 am, sharp."

I smiled and thought about taking Sophie and the boys around the city this weekend. We would also have time to look into interviewing a nanny or housekeeper - whichever seemed to fit our lifestyle better.

The pizzas were brought up by building security and we all dug in. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and sent Sophie a text.

Me: Cool news: I am off till Monday! Let's play tourists this weekend with the boys.

Grey asked if I wanted a bottle of water from the fridge and I accepted. My phone buzzed as he tossed it to me.

Sophie: Sounds fun. The boys are looking forward to seeing you!

I grinned. It still felt like a dream - just a year ago, I had given into thinking 9 to 5 would be the rest of my life. Music was so important to me and Sophie always believed I could succeed. I didn't want to let her down this time. Someday I will thank her for all the nagging - I mean, encouragement.

"Anyone heard the new One Direction single?" Grey laughed.

My eyes shot to his face, but he was looking at Mickey, our drummer.

"It's about a secret relationship," he explained to us. "Rumor has it - it's based on someone in the band's personal life."

"That's odd. Especially that you know all of this - OneD doesn't seem like your type of band," I looked hard at him, waiting for an explanation.

"Aw, mate! My 13 year old daughter listens to the rubbish," he scoffed. "Always drama surrounding those boys."

I faked a chuckle and nodded at him. I couldn't help but think of, it just wasn't possible. I knew from Twitter that they were releasing a new album soon, a single off of it first, but it just couldn't be...right?

A few slices of pizza later, Jesse was ready with the finished product. We joined him in the listening room and he pressed play. The music blasted, my voice seared through the speakers and the whole thing sounded amazing. My garage recordings were super lame compared to this - I am so lucky.

All of us were pleased with the result, so we packed up and went our separate ways. I hailed a cab to go home and took in the quiet from the hallway before walking into the apartment.


Sophie's POV

One's been one week. That night- the dinner, the sex with Harry, the text message.

Harry was as shocked as I was to see it. I had cried on his shoulder while we decided to only communicate via Twitter direct seemed to be the safest, most private option for now. Neither of us wanted Alexander to find out what had happened, so we chose to play it cool. I was mainly worried about the boys; luckily, Harry agreed.

Two days later, I had received another text message from the unknown number - it was a reminder of what this person knew. It included a picture of Harry holding my hand and walking into his elevator. When I told Harry, he assured me that his management team would hire a private investigator if I was harassed again.

The boys and I were playing a game of Chutes and Ladders when Alexander texted me to tell me that he would be home for the whole weekend. Lennon and Bas were so excited which made me happy. Once we finished the game, I got out my iPad and searched for popular tourist locations while they put the box away.

I looked up when the boys announced they would battle with their Star Wars set and smiled. I decided to log onto Twitter. My heart fluttered as I saw the notification and message from Harry.

From: Harry Styles

To: Sophie Grant

I miss you. When can I see you again? .x

I didn't know how to respond. I wanted to be near him again, badly. Keys in the door lock caught my attention, so I quickly logged off and exited Twitter.

The boys ran toward the door screaming, "Daddy!"

Caught in a Landslide (ft. Harry Styles)Where stories live. Discover now