One Phone Call

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I stared at my phone and tried to plan out what I was going to say to Harry. Of course I would apologize first, but then what?

Before I lost the confidence, I called him. It rang three times then went to his voicemail. Damn.

I ended the call and went back to the kitchen to check on dinner. I figured the boys would be home soon because it was just after 1 pm and Alexander really needed to start getting ready and pack the last of his things. I put my headphones on and tuned into the local Top40 station. One Direction's "Night Changes" played into my ears...I just can't escape him. As I changed the station, Harry's name flashed on my screen. I practically dropped my phone.

"Hi," I said.

"Sophie, I want to talk to you," he said quietly. God, I loved his voice.

"I think we should," I replied. 

"So you'll come see me next week? No pressure for the weekend - I've booked our room, just in case. But my flat is always open for you," he breathed.

He sounded out of sorts and I knew it was my fault. I shouldn't have done this through email - especially when he's on tour halfway around the world.

"I'm sorry, Harry," I started to tear up. "I'm just so confused and as we've said all along - I don't want it to be complicated between us."

"I know." his soothing voice assured me.

We sat in silence for a few moments before he said, "I think my PI may have a lead on who sent you those texts...but we can chat about that next week."

I felt deflated and didn't want to worry anymore than necessary, so I decided not to pry. 

"I apologize, but I need to go - we are about to go on stage," he chuckled. "Thanks for calling me back. Oh, and I'm sure Alexander will be spot on tonight at his first proper event."

My jaw almost hit the floor. Harry Styles called me when he was supposed to be on stage AND just admitted that he's been keeping tabs on me? And my family? 

"Break a leg, Styles," I quipped once I had regained my composure then ended the call. 


Alexander and Wendy brought the boys home around 2 and Alexander rushed into the shower while I sat and played on the floor with the kids and thought of Harry.

"Did you have fun?" I asked.

"Yesh," answered Bas.

"Mhm," replied Lennon with a frustrated look on his face.

"What's wrong, buddy?" 

"Nothing...daddy had to sign some papers and take pictures again," he shrugged.

"Oh." I began. "Well, daddy's new job means that he has to take a few pictures and sign some papers sometimes," I explained. "Maybe we can talk to him and tell him how you feel about it."

I felt a strong urge to protect our sons, Alexander would need to try and set some boundaries - especially around the boys.

The rest of the afternoon was filled with Star Wars battles, Lego building, Chutes and Ladders, FIFA on the Xbox and quick baths. We had a small dinner and then got dressed for the event. Wendy and I planned to take the boys in a limo, while Alexander rode in the new tour bus with the band.


The boys were thrilled when they saw Alexander's face on the side of the bus. I admit, it was awesome. The boys hugged him and I kissed him on the cheek before he exited the car. We made good time and once we arrived, security escorted us to a side door and then the hostess, Jen, walked us to our own table.

"The label is picking up your check, of course," Jen smiled politely. "Your server will be yours alone this evening. Please don't hesitate to ask if you need anything."

I could get used to this, I thought as she returned to her podium. I glanced out the window and gasped. There were hundreds of people waiting in line - to meet my husband. It was quite the sight to see.

"This is super excitin'!" Wendy gushed.

I smiled and nodded. The boys started asking where daddy was and if they could walk around and look at everything. Wendy stood, then held their hands as they walked around and looked at the memorabilia.

Suddenly, the tour bus arrived and the band stepped off. Alexander first, followed by Mickey, then Grey, some guy I didn't recognize and finally John, their manager. The crowd outside went wild and cheered for them. 

They grinned and waved at the fans. "Tell Me the Truth" played over the speakers as the band members made their way to the table. John directed security to start letting fans in 10 at a time. This definitely wasn't his first rodeo...

Caught in a Landslide (ft. Harry Styles)Where stories live. Discover now