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A baby. A curly, brown haired baby. A baby with emerald green eyes. Just like her father. Yes, she haunted my dreams. She.

I stared at my ceiling as I struggled to keep her memory fresh. My phone buzzed on my bedside table. As I slowly reached over, I silently prayed it wasn't about Anastasia's interview. Unfortunately, my prayers weren't answered.

Harry's email was glum. His team had decided that he needed to do some extra charity work as a distraction. And we probably shouldn't be seen in public together for now. My body tensed as I read the last line. This girl was now affecting my relationship with Harry.


After a shower, I joined Manuela in the kitchen, soon followed by the boys. We worked on our Spanish lesson while we ate breakfast, then got Lennon ready for school. Bas asked to stay with Manuela while I walked his brother to school and went to work. I agreed and kissed him goodbye.

On our walk, Lennon explained his new comic book to me and told me about his art project. He was so excited- which made me excited. Once he was delivered safely to school, I began my 3 block journey to work. I called Harry, but was sent to voicemail, so I just told him I got his email.

I sighed and turned the corner, then gasped. Hundreds of paparazzi and photographers stood in front of the building. I knew they wanted to ask me about the interview. I continued walking and waited for the question.

"Sophie, what are your thoughts on the interview?" one called to me.

"I haven't read it," I answered calmly.


By lunchtime, I had finished writing all the words I wanted to say. I had so many offers on Twitter to be paid for an interview regarding this situation. I sent a vague email to Yahoo! Parents. And surprisingly, received a quick response.

As I packed up to go home, I pictured Harry reading my thoughts. He was sure to be a little upset, but he had to understand that this was putting a strain on me as well.


Lennon scored the winning goal at his soccer game, so Alexander and I took the team out for pizza and ice cream. Gigi met us at the pizza parlor. She was lovely; very open, friendly and beautiful. My heart was bursting for him - so glad he had found someone.

After ice cream, the boys begged to spend the night with their dad. I rarely denied them of that. We wanted to work together as much as possible. I kissed their sticky faces and hugged their little bodies before I left.

I called Harry just outside the building. When he failed to answer, yet again, I hung up and hailed a taxi to go home.


After a bubble bath and cup of sleepy time tea, I watched "Trainwreck" to try and keep myself from thinking of him. I paused the movie when I heard a quiet tapping on the front door. I tiptoed to the door and peeked to see who it was. There was no one.

Confused, I walked to the kitchen to refill my mug and return to my movie. Once again, I heard tapping. Walking as quietly as possible, I grabbed the handle and pulled it open quickly.

"What the hell?"

I looked to the right and Harry was leaning against the wall with a hat and sunglasses on. I laughed out loud.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him.

"I wanted to see you," he said. "There are quite a few paps watching and they know I have a key, so I had to play it cool."

"I see....well, now we will wake up to articles about my unfaithfulness to you...." I joked.

"Without a doubt," Harry responded.

He wrapped his arms around me and squeezed. He lifted my chin with one finger and brought his lips to meet mine. I pulled him inside, then quickly locked the door. I led him to my bedroom. He took off his jacket and threw it across my chair. Sitting gently on the bed next to me, he kissed my cheek.

"I've missed you," he whispered.

We were in our own little world. The movie ended and we kissed more. Our bodies intertwined. I needed to warn him about my letter.

"Harry," I began.

Caught in a Landslide (ft. Harry Styles)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon