Over 25 Million Followers

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I heard my children's happy voices as I walked up to the apartment door. Alexander was an amazing father. I loved him, but I knew our love had changed over time. Then I realized how guilty I felt. Had I really just made plans with another man? Do I tell Alexander the truth? Maybe I should just politely decline Harry's invitation? Yes, that's what I will do- pretend it never happened.

I opened the door, the boys ran up to wrap their little arms around me. I loved them so much. They were my world. When I saw Alexander, he had a strange look on his face.

"Everything ok?" I asked.

"So, you met Styles?" He joked.

My brain raced as I attempted to connect the dots. How does he know Harry? How does he know I met Harry?

"H-how do you know that?" I asked puzzled.

He laughed as he pulled out his phone and opened Twitter. His screen contained a picture of me in my running shorts and hot pink shirt standing with Harry. I took the phone and noticed the @Harry_Styles tag.

"Why on earth would someone take a picture of this?" I asked.

"Sophie, it's Harry Styles...I'm sure it was one of the fan girls." He laughed.

Those girls. Watching his every move. Wait a minute - Harry Styles? Oh my god. Harry Styles...of the boy band One Direction. I had met him - sweaty and looking foolish.

"I didn't know...I just thought he was a nice guy..." I stuttered.

Alexander laughed and walked toward the boys' playroom.

"He invited me to a private show tonight," I told him. "I want to go."

Alexander turned around. He scowled, then looked at me and smiled: "I suppose you want to go shopping then?"

I nodded. "Have fun," he said.

I jumped in the shower. This whole encounter baffled me. Harry Styles was part of a world wide sensation. Girls worshipped the ground he walked on. He had over 25 million followers on Twitter. The tabloids loved plastering his face on the covers.

What was I getting myself into?

Caught in a Landslide (ft. Harry Styles)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant