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Since we were technically exclusive, Harry asked if I would be willing to do an interview with People Magazine about our relationship. His management team was ready for (most of) the truth to come out. I explained that I needed to talk it over with Alexander and our therapist. I mean, we'd only known each other six months. 

So many things had happened since we met and because of the "scandal." Alexander's previous manager was fired and basically black balled in the entertainment industry, while his album had peaked at number one on the Rock charts; I had found a part time job working in Public Relations for Harry's management company, Lennon had decided to try school (and loved it), Bas was able to come to my office with me most days, but others he stayed with our new nanny - the boys and I had moved into a 3 bedroom apartment closer to Harry & Alexander. 

Things were going well. A few weeks ago, Alexander and I had decided that the boys should meet Harry, so I took them to a One Direction concert in New Jersey; afterward, Harry took us to a pizza place with arcade. I explained to the boys that Harry was a good friend of mine and we would probably spend some time with him. I know they were confused at first, but Harry was extremely reassuring - they could take their time getting to know him. 

The boys spent time with Alexander whenever possible and I spent time with Harry when he was in the city. Harry and I took the boys to a movie once and Central Park another time. I was falling for him more and more - but I wasn't quite ready to say those three words. 

"Hey, love," Harry pulled me from my thoughts. "What are ya thinking about?"

"Just everything...." I was vague. 

He chuckled and wrapped his arms around me. It was Friday evening and we were eating dinner on his balcony. My sons were with their father for the weekend and Harry only had a photoshoot on Saturday afternoon. 

I turned to his face and placed my lips on his. He kissed back and rubbed my neck. I could feel what he wanted, but I was too busy thinking.

"Harry, I'm so glad you're here this weekend." I began. "I really miss the boys when they aren't with me. I appreciate my time with them so much more now." I wiped away a tear.

"I know- that's what makes you a great mum," he kissed my cheek. "You had a rough patch, but you're in a much better place now."

I ran my fingers through his hair. He kissed me again. Then we turned to watch the sky as it darkened. Suddenly, my phone started buzzing. Alexander's name flashed on the screen. 

"Alexander?" I practically screamed into the phone. 

"Hey Soph," he said sadly. "Bas really wants you tonight - I just can't calm him down."

"Ok, I will be over to get him," I said.

Harry stood up and put his hand out to help me stand from the couch. "I will have a car ready for you."

"Would you like to come with me?" I asked him.

He grinned and nodded. I used the bathroom, Harry called for a car, and then we left to go pick up my baby.


I knocked once and Lennon answered the door. He had a frustrated look on his face.

"I can stay, right?" he asked.

"Of course, honey," I smiled and kissed the top of his head.

Alexander walked toward me with a visibly upset Bas. Our therapist had said this was a possibility, so we weren't caught completely off guard.

"I'm so sorry," Alexander looked at me. "I thought I could handle it..."

"It's ok," I replied. "We are in this together - as a family. If he's calm tomorrow, I will bring him back to you."

"Thanks, Soph. I hope I didn't ruin your night with Harry."

I shook my head. "Everything is fine."

I gently cradled Bas in my arms, grabbed his bag and blanket, then said goodnight to Lennon. Bas was very talkative on the way to the car.

"Now B, how do you feel about visiting with Harry tonight?" I asked my little human.

"Ok, mommy," he answered. "I want to be with you, too."

I kissed his forehead as we passed the flashing lights of the cameras.

"Hello, little Bas," Harry said ever so calmly. "You feeling a little better?"

My son nodded. Harry turned on the TV in the car and switched it to Rio2, one of B's favorites. My heart fluttered when I realized that Harry had remembered.

"Where do you want to go?" Harry stared at me.

"Your place is fine," I said a little nervously.

He smiled and asked the driver to take us back. I glanced at Harry, he was watching Bas and smiling. He's going to be a great father someday ....

"Bas, are you hungry?" 

"Yes, please, Harry," my little boy answered still absorbed in the movie.

"I will call and order us a cheese pizza then!" Harry said enthusiastically.


The pizza arrived just as we sat on the couch in Harry's living room. Bas begged for more Rio2, Harry obliged. 

I got our slices and joined them on the couch. Bas scarfed his down, we ate ours slowly. 

"Thank you for letting us come here. I really wanted to spend more time with you..." I said slightly embarrassed. 

Harry put his arm around my shoulder. "I love that you chose to come back here."

Bas fell asleep before the halfway point in the film, so Harry picked him up and carried him to the guest room. I changed into my sweatpants and tank top, then snuggled up next to Harry on the couch. He picked up the remote and chose The Hangover on Netflix. We laughed quietly and kissed often. 

"I could recite every line from this film," he smiled.

"Me too! Never gets old." 

He stood up, "ready for bed?" 

He lifted me off the couch and carried me bridal style to his room. We walked into the bathroom and brushed our teeth, then climbed into bed. He wrapped his arms around me and started kissing my neck. Our tongues touched, our bodies rubbed against each other, my hands made their way down to the hem of his boxers.

"Mommy!" Bas shouted from the guest room. 

Caught in a Landslide (ft. Harry Styles)Where stories live. Discover now