Have fun?

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The car pulled up in front of my building. I jumped out and waved goodbye to Harry, then thanked him again. I heard him mumble that he would call or text soon but I couldn't think about that. I was a married woman who had just kissed another man- and really enjoyed it.

Our nighttime doorman greeted me, then opened the door. "Thanks, Rodney," I said groggily.

I took the elevator up to the 15th floor and stood outside our door. After a few minutes of breathing and thinking, I quietly unlocked it and entered. I went straight to the guest room. Luckily, the label had given us an amazing apartment - the rooms each had bathrooms. So I jumped in the shower...knowing I wouldn't wake anyone.

My mind raced as I stood in the water. What have I done? I know Alexander and I agreed we would raise the kids together. We had briefly discussed seeing other people, but neither of us thought it would happen. Ugh, what a mess I got myself into. Then it hit me- this is Harry Styles - I was his NYC fling. I let out my breath. I turned the water off and stepped out of the shower.

I slipped into my pajamas, brushed my teeth and grabbed my phone to set the alarm. A text was there.

Harry: I had a great time. Can we grab lunch or din tomorrow? I have plans for breakfast...but am free the rest of the day.

I sat up and stared into the darkness. Going out for a drink with everyone was one thing- going on a lunch or dinner date with Harry was completely different. A part of me couldn't stand the fact that I was keeping my personal life from him - technically, the topic had not been brought up. I decided I would tell him in person the next time I saw him.

Me: I will let you know tomorrow.

Harry: Perfect. Get some rest, love.

How could I sleep after this? I tiptoed to the kitchen to grab a water.

"Have fun?" A voice asked, startling me.

"Honestly, I had a blast." I replied. "Why are you awake?"

"This song won't finish itself. Hope you didn't have too much fun," he joked. "Was Styles a gentleman?"

I felt my cheeks warm thinking of that incredible kiss - thank god it was dark in the kitchen.

"Of course! They all were...I think you'd like them." I answered cautiously.

"Maybe someday." He said to that.

"Um, Alexander, do you have plans tomorrow for dinner?"

"No, I will be home by 5," he said. "Why do you have a hot date?"

I flinched. This was terribly awkward, unfortunately, we had no one else to watch our kids and I refused to lie to him.

"Actually, Harry invited me to dinner."

"Just the two of you?" I could feel his eyebrows furrow in the dark.

"I truly do not know."

"Well, I will be here, but I have to be up early the next day."

"Great, I appreciate it. It's only dinner - I plan to be home by 10 at the latest. Good luck tomorrow." I said as I walked toward the guest room.

"Goodnight," he replied softly.

I fell asleep quickly and only had dreams about the curly haired boy with green eyes.

Passionate dreams....

Caught in a Landslide (ft. Harry Styles)Where stories live. Discover now