Peace of mind

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The boys and I had our annual checkups 10 days before Christmas. Harry was in LA, so Alexander came with us. Both boys were very healthy and got clean bills of health. 

"Sophie, have you lost some weight?" Dr. Mitchell asked as he closed the boys' charts.

"Not that I've noticed," I answered.

"You're looking a little pale," he said. "Can we just take some blood and run some labs? Just for peace of mind before you go to Florida?"

I looked at Alexander, he shrugged. "Sure."

Alexander took the boys to the waiting room while I had my checkup. The doctor said everything seemed alright, but still took the blood and we left. 

In the car, the boys talked about Christmas and what they hoped Santa would bring. Alexander got a call from Gigi - her plans changed and she decided she wanted to spend Christmas in Florida. I hadn't seen him so excited about something besides music in a very long time. 

"That's exciting, your family will love her," I assured him.

The boys decided to go to his house, so I went home to watch some tv and cook dinner.


My phone buzzed and woke me. I swiped the screen and said hello.

"Sophie, you were supposed to call and let me know how your appointments had gone," Harry's voice was filled with concern.

"I'm sorry, I must've fallen asleep when I got home," I answered rubbing my eyes.

"Are you feeling ok?" 

"Yes, I'm fine. Why does everyone keep asking me that?" I demanded.

"Sorry, love, just a little worried," he sighed. "So, back to the boys - are they ok?"

"Yes, 100% healthy."

"Great news! Are you packed and ready for our very long vacation?" 

"Not yet, but I will be within the next few days. I miss you."

"I miss you too, love," he whispered. "Still can't believe you agreed to marry me. Can't wait to see you tomorrow."

"Well, I still haven't told the boys, or my family, or Alexander," I looked at my snow boots.

"It's ok, they don't need to know yet. But I need to get back to this photo shoot. I love you so much."

"I love you too, Harry."


I made myself grilled cheese with tomato-spinach soup for dinner. Then called Rayne. 

"Hi Rayne," I said when she answered.

"Hey sister," I could hear the clicking of the keys as she typed.

"So, the doctor took some blood from me today to run some tests," I said casually.

"Are you ok???" She shrieked.

"I feel fine, but doc said he's worried I look too pale."

"So, you've lost your Florida tan and he's worried?"


We went on to talk about Christmas gifts and how busy she was at work. I wanted so badly to mention Harry's clothing line, but I knew better. She mentioned that Jack may have been looking at engagement rings online; he defended himself by saying that he had accidentally clicked on an ad.

My phone beeped with a private number, so I ended the call with Rayne and answered.



"Hi it's Margie from Dr. Mitchell's office. I have the results from your lab work."

"Oh, wow that was quick," I said.

"Yes, he put a rush on it. Well, I've called to let you know that you are about 7 weeks pregnant - so congratulations!"

"I'm sorry, Margie, I thought you said pregnant...." I gulped.

"I did. Because you are. And your levels are perfect. Shall we help you find an OBGYN?"

My heart pounded against my chest. I knew it was possible, but I never thought it would happen right away. "Thank you, Margie. I will let you know."

"Ok, dear, have a great night."

"You too." And the line went dead.

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