Story Idea 2. Liar, liar, pants on fire!

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Seventeen year-old Sofia Cooper rarely tells the truth. And when she does it’s not the whole truth. But it’s not like she wants to lie (bad habits die hard). She has to, to protect the people she loves and to keep people she cares about safe. When her best friend is taken to jail, Sofia gets questioned about the theft of two hundred thousand dollars and fifty thousand dollars worth of jewlery. Sofia is put on trial, where she has to tell the truth. But all that comes out are lies, lies, and more lies. 

Her parents let her take the jail time of two years. Jail teaches her a lot of things, and Ben teaches her more. Ben is nineteen and was sent to jail for possession of meth and cocaine. Sofia keeps up with her lies but is slowly telling the truth but to Ban, and him only. Can a bad boy turn Sofia good?

Like the first one I posted you can change this as much as you want. Comment, first one gets it!

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