The fact that you're crazy, doesn't surprise me...

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"Press the button, I dare you" Micah said, his eyes were in slits. 

Devon's mouth was on the ground, "Are you crazy? If he does, then we all get killed!"

"And go to Hell" Maia said, nodding her head. Her hands were in the air just like the rest of us. All of our  weapons were in a huge pile far from our reach yet, easy for George to get. I kept my hands at ear level looking at my teammates calm, scared, and angry expressions before finally staring at George. A line of sweat going from his forehead to his cheek, his shaky blue eyes nervously turned from Mason to Devon. 

I bet now, you're thinking how we got here, in this annoying mess. But for you to understand all of this crap, I'll have to start from the begging. No, not the day I was born. But the day that all of us were doomed to die no matter what.

I’m not continuing this! if you want it, PM me

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