Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

Clementine POV

My aching bones and displaced jawbones. With my head beneath the desk, I massaged around my jaw, attempting to loosen my tight muscles. Due to exhaustion, I was unable to do the task for which I was being paid—teaching. We were still working on comprehension, and so far, the smart groups of kids seemed to be ready to go on to the next topic, while the slower kids, as expected, appeared to be struggling with the words. Comprehension was the first and easiest aspect of English; poetry is far more difficult. Poetry requires a great deal of understanding.

I decided to force my exhaustion through the tiny gap in the window.

We were on the third level of the school, so I could see the cloud pattern, the flock of birds soaring, and feel the additional knots of air through the slightest opening in the window.

I was a teacher, and it was my responsibility to ensure my students understood. Understanding is what children acquired at a young age, when they discovered that fire is hot and water is moist. They comprehend that the sky is blue, and the grass is green.

"It's not that hard, fellas." I remarked, shifting my gaze to the side of the class that was suffering. I could hear their frustration, buzzing like bees. I've been hearing that for quite some time.

My gaze was drawn to Amber; she appeared to be OK, and perhaps her punishment from yesterday wasn't that awful after all, and I could stop worrying little. I detest that I was concerned about a girl I despise.

"Let's go over this paragraph together." I said. "Remember, don't just read because you can. Read to understand. You can read a sentence over and over until your brain understands it. Learning involves being patient and putting your anger to one side."

"They're simply dumb." Xin snorted and shoved his spectacles. I swore I didn't want to stereotype anyone, but it appeared like everyone in my class who wore glasses was a legitimately geek, which was a plus.

"Shut your fucking mouth!" Amber hissed, and several of the students agreed.

Oh, Lord.

"Amber, no cussing in class, and Xin, followed by everyone, please abstain from making nasty remarks. Not everyone learns in the same way."

"But it is true."

"You want me to do to you what I did to Forrest, right?" She talked like a real alpha lady, ready to take dominion. But this was not the jungle or the outer world; this was simply school, in a small class. Where they should learn to cooperate like birds in the sky and ants on the ground.

"There will be no violence in this school or classroom. We are a little family and will help each other. So, from now on. Xin and Amber, you shall sit together."

"Sit with that bitch. That geek." Amber offended, her face furrowed in annoyance, and I could see her pool eyes deepen with rage. God, she's such a handful. They're all a handful. However, she was an additional handful.

"You will."

"I will kill him."

Again! I won't be standing on my weary feet and arguing with her. Her mother had had enough of moving me about like a puppet, and I would not allow her daughter do the same.

Perhaps I should take the lead and demonstrate to them that I was the one who made all of the decisions.

"This is not a fighting ground; it is a school. All of you are children, and until your parents arrive, I will act as your parents and listen to what I say."

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