Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

Clementine POV

I decided to heed Rita's advice and wear my shortest skirt, which had a large slit on the left side, giving me the benefit of not having to wear underwear. As I glanced at my slutty state, all I wanted to do was take the clothes off and return to the 'half dead' sofa, as Rita described it. I often consider going to the club, having a girl's night (if I have friends), having a sleepover, or going on an all-female road trip. But every time I tried to do anything pleasurable, I felt guilty. I felt as if I should work till my death.

But not tonight. "Tonight, have fun and be a slut." Now, I wasn't going to slip and slide and allow a random man's dick enter into my mouth, but if I saw someone who makes my pussy bounce like a fairy in a garden, why not?

I slid into the too-high heels; they were the only heels I had for an excursion night like this, and I was alright with it. I probably wouldn't hit the club for another three months.

Breath, check

Perfume, check

Face heavy with make-up, check.

I undoubtedly look like a clown with all the cheap make-up I dusted and smeared on my face, but the club is dark, and if a man was too intoxicated, the last thing he'll notice was my face.

My legs and body shaved perfectly, check.

Purse contains id, gum, a knife, some cash, a second knife, and all check.


The club wasn't far from my flat, and if Rita decided to leave me in case she found someone, I could walk my ass back home.

My arms gripped my body, and the realization dawned on me that I had left home too bare.

Without a bra on, my entire bony back and side of my breast were flaunted by the blouse I was wearing. The top hung slightly, as did the skirt, which concealed one thigh.

"Never again." I grumbled to Rita as we slowly moved up the line. Rita dressed conservatively, with her dress reaching just over the middle of her thighs and leaving only her shoulder blades exposed. I was a literal slut in comparison to her.

"You appear sensual and sultry." She grinned.

"You meant slutty, correct. I'm practically inviting a dude to come bend me over on the wall and slip his STD cock in me." I pondered.

"It's not so bad."

If she tells me it isn't too bad again, I will physically slaughter her. I could feel the music vibrating as I leaned against the wall, but I couldn't hear the music itself—just a muffled rhythm that appeared to be drowned out by the walls.

"So, rules."


"Don't go to the VIP section."

I hugged myself more tightly. My aim was to simply sit at the bar and accept whatever drink a guy offered me. I had a restricted amount of income, so my objective was to actually locate an alcohol sugar daddy.

"Why?" I trembled when a cool air passed across my exposed shoulder bones. I would hug a homeless man simply to get warm in this awful cold.

"Her two older daughters operate this club, and you wouldn't want to run into them. Let's just say they're not as modest as their mother."

"Don't worry. I'll either be in a corner or at the bar all night."

"You can't come to a club without dancing."

"Well, watch me."


It appeared like the speakers were all around, as my ears felt like they were about to bleed from hearing the EDM music; it wasn't my style, but neither was being at the club in the first place.

By the time Rita and I made it through the crowd of steamy bodies, I was soaked to the skin. I could feel my makeup slipping off my face, like an avalanche. Mixing cheap with beautiful was never a smart idea, and now I was suffering the consequences.

"Where is the bathroom?" I screamed above the music. If I kept yelling, I knew my voice would be gone by Monday for teaching. What was I doing to myself? I concluded that my partying days had come to an end when I became committed to my teaching career.

"You want to use the restroom already."

"Look at my face." My index finger points to my shattered face. My skin felt slippery, like a wet duck, and I shuddered as I realized it was a combination of people's perspiration that was coating my flesh. What was I actually doing to myself? Nothing beats being at home, probably with Nikolai's cock in my mouth or her pistol aimed at me.

"Eww." She responded with a contemptuous expression on her face, and I felt compelled to both cry and hit her. She pulled me here, and all I've gotten so far was trampled. "Follow me." She exhaled. And I started following her to the rear of the club.

I finally get to breathe in some fresh air without having to smell a combination of perspiration and perfume. "I was dying back there. The odor is nauseating." I could feel my face becoming green, just like the emoji.

"That is the sweetest fragrance." Rita stated. I was looking at her actual attire. She looks pretty attractive; she typically dresses like a hippy at school, but today she resembles a Gen Z girl. I think she knows how to mix things up. Her make-up was still intact, and I was envious of her. "I'm not coming back here." I snarled and yanked the paper napkin from the dispenser.

"It's not that horrible; free yourself up a bit."

If she knew what I was up to with a specific Mafia leader, I doubt she would have said that. I started washing the makeup off my face. Then use the napkin.

"Why is it so packed anyway?" I inquired, glancing into the counter mirror.

"It's Nikolai Ivanov and daughter club, so of course it'll be packed and lighted." Her heels clicked as she bounced about like an ecstatic adolescent.

I patted my face until it was dry, which gave it a somewhat cold aspect, and then I figured a little lipstick to enhance my pale lips would be enough. If I had realized the club was going to be that bad, I would not have humiliated myself so much.

"Nude is perfect for you." She said as I smacked my lips together and carefully swiped the red lipstick over them, lightly smearing it on the lower lips.

"I suppose so." I remarked, as I messed with my straightened hair. I decided to apply more heat to it to make it seem shiny. I went all out with this.

"Let us get lit!" She shouted as I turned around to go.

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