Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Clementine POV

"What appears to be the problem, my child?" Her voice has no warmth and it chills the room like it's the dead of winter. My heart was cold just hearing her speak, and let's not even get into what she does to my body. Her trench coat was now open, showing her bionic black suit. I couldn't see much detail in her flesh since her neck was blacked out in ink and her face was still hidden by the hat. So far, it didn't appears that she was involved in the Mafia. There was no gun in sight just yet.

"Dad, he pulled my hair."

Dad? That's a lady. A lady with a cunt who appeared to exhibit cunt-like behavior.

How can she be a dad?

"Shush. How should you talk? Don't sound like a whiny bitch. Now, tell me what happened."

I detect an accent, but I go to school to learn English, not to identify foreign accents.

"This punk pulled my hair, and I did exactly what you said I should."

"But you didn't. He is not dead." Her gloved fingers were pointing at the breathing kid. "What did I say about drawing your firearm on someone?"

"To kill them, let it taste their blood."

"Ms. Ivanov, it is very—"

"Do not interrupt me while I am talking." She yelled, her angry eyes stared at me, and I wanted to swap corners with the boy and curled up and died.

I've never had someone bark at me in my life, not even my parents. They were rigorous, but they were never dogs, like Ms. Mafia was. And now I was angry and irritated with her.

"Excuse me!" I shouted back. I, too, have a voice, and I should not be scared to express it.

"Ms. Yuri, please." Mr. Collins implored. I scoffed. I don't care who or what she was. "Let your child keep her illegal conduct at the blasted house, and when she got over that gate, she dropped it. No matter what the boy did, she has no right to put a pistol to his head."

Her steely eyes remained fixed on me while I delivered the truth. It could kill me, but at least I told the truth.

"Mr. Collins, send her out of the office before she is killed." She gritted. He gasped and gently placed his hand on the small of my back, before pushing me towards the door. "Please wait outside till this is concluded." He muttered with a little smile. As he pushed me out, the boy's parents entered, and as their eyes met Ms. Mafia's, they averted their gaze.


I went up and down the little space between the wall and Mr. Collins' office door.

It seemed like the wall was pressing in on me, with all of the tasty information I was missing. Who was she? I was eager to learn who she was fresh off the back of a Texas horse.

I despise her; how can she just go into a meeting and take the floor like she was the boss around here? How can she make it appear like what her child did wasn't bad, but in the wrong way? She was clearly forcing violent and criminal ideals down this child's neck. I despise how her ego drowned in the room and buried us in debris.

The door opened, and the two parents were the first to go; the mother held a rectangle of thin paper in her hand, daring life with a slight grin on her lips. I proceeded towards her, my gaze focused on the paper. "You okay?" Was that a damn check? I yelled in my brain as I wrote out the big quantity of money on it.

"Did she offer you money?" Despite having seen the proof firsthand, I had to inquire.

"You are new here, and that is how we conduct business. Something happens, and we ignore it. You'll get the hang of it soon."

"What if I don't?" I challenged.

"Damnation." The father spoke. He was taller and stronger than her, and he could punch her lights out. However, everyone was simply a pussy.

"Extremely dramatic choice of words for a man." My gaze shifted down to the child. "I hope you feel better soon."

"He might not be here on Monday." The mother spoke, and they both moved toward the exit. I assumed the principal had given permission to take him home. They received a hundred thousand, but to what? Keep their mouths shut? Or not to die, or perhaps both.

I leaned against the wall and tried to hear what they were saying through the open door. A hundred thousand bucks was a lot to keep your trap closed for long. But how long?

I wouldn't mind having it to pay my debts. Fuck. I'd be really lucky if I received $16,000 this month in wages. All of it will go toward bills, debts, and groceries. Nothing left to enjoy the traditional twenty-year-old existence, which consists of a little clubbing here and there and going out to dinner to reward myself every now and then.

I was living a pathetic existence!

The door opened, and Amber emerged, followed by her mother, with no indication of Mr. Collins. Did he also get paid to stay in his office for the rest of the day, like a nice little pussy?

"I need to speak with you." I spoke to her. She snarled and continued walking down the hallway. My eye twitched during an angry phase. "Hey," I screamed. "I need to speak to you!"

She let out a frustrated breath. "Amber, go into the car and stay there." She turned around, and I only spotted the hat in her enormous gloved hand. Her lovely face is presently in view for me. I was struck by her downward-turned lips, which had a deep curve in the center. Her long stride brought her in front of me, and her presence drove me against the wall.

"What do you have to say to me?"

"I need..." I gasped, marveling at her sharp, blade-like jawline, which appeared to chop bread into slices. And possibly cut a few throats.

"In my classroom, please." When I got the power to speak, I murmured.

"Lead the way, then." 

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